Current Entry
Prior Entries
Email Contour

2003.01 - 06
2002.07 - 12
2002.01 - 06
2001.07 - 12
2001.01 - 06
2000.09 - 12
Blinky Ghost.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Girls in boots ... Mmmmm.

2001-06-28 - Unbreakable
2001-06-27 - Disappointment
2001-06-26 - Violin in the Window
2001-06-24 - Stromkern / Turning Point
2001-06-23 - Frat Daddy Invasion
2001-06-22 - Purist -vs- the Animal
2001-06-20 - Box Seats / Coffins II
2001-06-19 - I'd Sooner Kiss A Wookiee
2001-06-17 - Goth Naval Battle IV
2001-06-15 - Homes and Random Walks
2001-06-14 - Sleeves and Emotions
2001-06-13 - Stealth Construction
2001-06-11 - Collecting Music
2001-06-10 - the Interview
2001-06-07 - Hard Core Play Party
2001-06-03 - Switching Teams
2001-05-30 - Chinese Finger Puzzles & Slow Pokes
2001-05-27 - End of Ages
2001-05-26 - BDSM is not always sex
2001-05-24 - Magic Feathers
2001-05-23 - Shadow of the Vorlon
2001-05-23 - Emotional Man
2001-05-22 - Diary of Ann Frank
2001-05-21 - Dark Cloud.
2001-05-20 - Black Head
2001-05-19 - Corporate Whore
2001-05-14 - Anxiety Nightmares
2001-05-10 - Skeleton Butt
2001-05-09 - Peyton Place
2001-05-07 - Weddings in Indiana
2001-05-02 - Black Rose
2001-04-30 - Always Two There Are
2001-04-29 - Ghost from My Past
2001-04-28 - Engineer-Dar
2001-04-27 - Actions Speak Louder Than Words
2001-04-27 - Covenant / And One
2001-04-25 - Strange Comfort
2001-04-23 - Misery Loves Company
2001-04-22 - The Sixth Sense
2001-04-22 - End of Eras
2001-04-21 - Seismic Exam
2001-04-20 - Playdoh
2001-04-18 - When It is Hard to Talk
2001-04-16 - Best Sex
2001-04-14 - cEvin Key
2001-04-13 - Evacuate, In My Moment of Triumph?
2001-04-10 - Around the Lunch Table
2001-04-08 - Easter Egg Hunt
2001-04-06 - Telecommuting
2001-04-05 - Stromkern
2001-04-02 - EBM is not all the same
2001-03-31 - Rivets can cry too!
2001-03-30 - How Soon Is Now
2001-03-29 - Homeless Guy / Blind Guy / Skany Hitchhiker
2001-03-28 - Assemblage 23
2001-03-27 - Spring Break
2001-03-26 - BunnyStomps Birthday
2001-03-25 - Nipple Clamps
2001-03-24 - Break Up
2001-03-23 - Destinations
2001-03-22 - Too Late ... I hope not
2001-03-22 - Drama Queen
2001-03-21 - Glitter Bomb
2001-03-20 - I am a mouse
2001-03-19 - Seance Found!
2001-03-18 - Shrine's Bathrooms Stink
2001-03-17 - Club Sanctuary / Mr. Happy
2001-03-16 - Homeless Attention / Messages from Davis
2001-03-15 - Nibbled to Death by Ducks!
2001-03-14 - Apparently I really am a lefty!
2001-03-13 - Wetlands Modeling
2001-03-12 - All I Ever Needed to Learn I Learned from Yoda
2001-03-11 - Halo's B-Day / Engine Light
2001-03-10 - Suicide
2001-03-09 - Political Hotbed
2001-03-08 - Fairfield Goths
2001-03-05 - Asilomar Day 2
2001-03-05 - Asilomar Day 1
2001-03-04 - The Box (Santa Cruz)
2001-02-26 - Advance and Follow
2001-02-25 - Bus Ettiquette
2001-02-24 - Making Space in Relationships?
2001-02-22 - Tron & Mundane Hair
2001-02-22 - Sex Club: Two Bois on One Girl
2001-02-19 - Razor Skyline
2001-02-16 - Baby Bat Kites (Gayla)
2001-02-15 - Performance Annexity
2001-02-14 - Supervillians and Naked Heroines
2001-02-13 - Smelly Pizza Stained Clerk Jerks
2001-02-12 - Ain't It Responsbility
2001-02-12 - Moral
2001-02-11 - SugarDaddy
2001-02-07 - Laundry
2001-02-06 - DeathGuild ... cool
2001-02-05 - Music Church ...
2001-02-03 - Ground Hog's Day
2001-02-01 - Amazon Skeletons
2001-01-30 - Profiled
2001-01-25 - Music & Data
2001-01-23 - Club Hopping
2001-01-19 - Black Spider Webs
2001-01-18 - JackHammer
2001-01-16 - Requieum
2001-01-12 - Heads Will Roll
2001-01-10 - High Energy
2001-01-10 - Needles.
2001-01-08 - Fargo
2001-01-05 - Rods is over
2001-01-02 - New Years 2001