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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-01-25 - 00:19:16

MUSIC: I've bought a few new CDs. I find myself moving more and more away from the Bay Area scene and accepting more German music. Good stuff. One group I like but I need to ask about the group is Brimingham 6. One single I own has lots of KKK images. I don't like that, even if it is mocking the clan. I'll ask a few of the rivets and find out, but this is a concern.

Right now I just finished the ESB soundtrack, after finding a Dagobah Vader. Bats recommended the figure, and the boy knows his toys.

Now I'm spinning :W:, 'cause a goth girl is starting to turn rivet and swears by two :W: songs: Fear in Motion and Mortal Highway. As normal they aren't my picks off a CD, but the disks they both are on rock.

That is the story of my music life since starting with Bane. I wasn't into music before him, but when he would play something like the Cure, the Church, or Love & Rockets over and over, eventually I'd love the album. In time we both would and could talk about albums for hours. But we also disagreed on the best/worst of set. We still are polar opposites.

I thought it was Bane all these years, but as I've discussed albums with DJs, friends, and just other folks I'm always off by about 180 degrees.

Example: Bunker Gate Seven by :W:, most folks folk to either Thorns (bah yuck) or Capital Punishment. Me, I swear by and have a hissy if I don't hear Die In Winter.

So this lil goth girl has a great taste in music, but it isn't mine. Listening right now I think I hear what she is going after, a post-punk femme message thing, not the electronica driven political statements that typically win me over.

Hmmm, I hope B6 are cool, as I found their Resurrection album to be so political, not very different in content from In Strict Confidence, which is another highly political act.

I wonder if B6 is based in Germany, their label is. And Germans are among the most politically outspoken people I've known (and polite).

In high school it was the in thing to take Spanish. Since when did I follow the masses. Instead of Spanish, I knew I was going into the sciences and I also admired German scientific achievements *and* their influences on classical music. There was no real choice between Spanish, French, Latin, and German.

One was "easy and popular", another my mom got her B.S. in ... hence easy again, one was useless and dead, the last was very alive and the language of music.

So today Steelhead and I worked together to lead a trip of engineers into the delta to look at a flow measurement device. My ex boss, well he is surprising me. He is less hostile, if not friendly to me. I like to think he has seen what the other engineers are like in our office and realizes that I'm picky, but good. OK, I have lots of downtime, but I can play the political game.

I went on this trip because I wanted to show junior engineers (only a year younger than me by state experience, not necessarily work place) where our data comes from *and* I want the data engineers to see we use it and appreciate it. Communication. Just like in relationships is key.

You need to talk to everybody when there is a potential crisis.

This is where my ex boss and I see eye to eye. There is a data crisis here and not ending. We have little data, and most of it is bad. He spends his time lobbying for his two engineers to work on this, and now it is my turn to start helping them.

My skill isn't as much technical as it is people focused. I found everybody talking to me today.

One interesting person was a new female engineer, cowgirl. Not that she is a cowboy, but she likes cows. How odd. She is attractive, well could be if we dropped her into some black clothing and fixed her hair. ;)

What I'm worried about is she does sound like she has some conservative ideals, but a young attitude ... which means she out of all the new hires might test the waters. Bronco is outgoing, but not confrontational. Part of the reason I think Cowgirl might be conservative is based on where she grew up ... the Mid-West. To be fair I had Mid-Western folks and grew up in Texas, I overcame it. She could to, and was very honest about one thing, "I don't know what I want." Talking about her future and jobs/school.

That type of honesty I appreciate.

Oh, for Bats: Last night's dream ...

[Church Steals My 'Stang]

This was the first time I've dreamt only of my Mustang and not my Cougar. Basically I was with Bane and his family. I had left my car somewhere and couldn't find it. In time and switching between his three houses, I found out that his mom gave my car to his church. The church people drove it for 400,000 miles and beat the hell out of it. :( So I was pissed and had to go to church to argue with them all. There they said God told them to take it. Which I cried bullshit too. So they decided to pay me back they'd give me a "goodwill" prayer. What the fuck is that?

And that is just what I said! >:( So the rest of my dream had me being chased by an angry mob of Xians. I was in my childhood neighborhood and had to cross this ditch, but finally (years later) I dreamt that they build a predestrian bridge, which my fucked up 'stang could cross.

Now the house next to this place belonged to this really ugly girl who we said would turn you to stone if you looked at her. I never tested it. But he house looked kinda like mine, until my dream when it was remodeled. In fact, most of the homes were remodeled on the outside. The streets the same, but homes different.

As a kid I remember running through people's garages and sometimes homes. We did not respect fences much less doors. If it rained just would just walk inside anything open and hide. In PA I remember one time somebody was about to find us so we ran. I was such a sneak as a kid. Hehehe, I also remember one garage had a black cauldron and halloween decorations (ghosts and spiders). :) I wanted to take them, but I thought it was cool that in August somebody had a Halloween room!

OK, so last night before crashing I did masturbate with my butt plug in. It is interesting, I can't get it in _without_ lube, but with a lot of lube, it slides all the way in. At first it made me almost pass out again. I coughed and the damn thing shot out my butt like a bullet. Weird that.

I put more lube on (I'm very careful about cleaning it and me) and tried again. There is nothing like masturbating with one of those in. Interestingly if it didn't have a handle, I'd pull it in further! There is that much suction! But when you are done they fire right out.

I really recommend everybody try these. I have a fantasy that involves being forced to wear one (and nothing else but a collar and chains) for a day. ;)


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