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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-01-30 - 18:38:32

So how cool is it to know that if the police start shooting you'll be one of the first targets? That basically you are "profiled"?

Today after lunch I tried walking back into my office near the Capitol and saw several uniformed and plain clothes police officers hanging around (and a few squad cars). Having trespassed a lot as a kid, I know security when I see them. They are to be avoided.

But I needed to get back into the office.

So I walked to my normal enterance through the frieght elevator. This is the place all the janitors hang out, and they know I use their door as my own. That is all cool.

Anyway as I'm walking up, dressed in wingtip dress shoes, grey slacks, grey trench coat, grey dress shirt (from Macy's actually), and a blue silk tie ... I get stopped by the plain clothes fuzz.

The guy walks up with his microphone in his ear thingie and stops me. I speak first, "I'm just trying to use this enterance, I always do." He asks, "Who do you work for?" Dumbfounded and realizing that he may not let me in (and I didn't want to fight to get back into work ... it is just work afterall) I respond, "DWR." So shocked he moves asside and says, "Sorry, it was the hair."

Dork! What a stupid thing to say. I was dressed far better than most of the engineers on staff today. No reason, I just like dressing up from time to time and now that I'm working on getting a wardrobe of greys and blues for all seasons, I'm doing just that. Anyway, so what, I have blue hair. His was some boring colour.

And while I don't mind knowing that cops see me as a protest or security risk ... which is actually true, I'm no COW, I don't like the fact that the thought of a blue haired engineer being something he would say he does think is normal.

My complaint is this. If you are going to profile somebody, just keep it to yourself and your fuzz friends. You do your job and I'll do mine. I think profiling is a tool, and is going to happen. I just don't want to know about it.

Strange though, my boss heard about this, and asked me to start carrying my work ID with me. Not a bad idea, as I've always said I'd use it if I got pulled over anyways. I am an agent of the state, and if they want to tell me how to look, then you'd better believe that I will go places "as a representative of the state." :p

I got more emails from Cricket today. GAWDS do I miss her. I've been feeling very lonely and forgotten for the past week plus, but she is great about emailing. I need to make a conversion table and find at which times I can call her.

Last night, I so much wanted to get ice cream with her. Why can't CyberSmurf and Cricket move back? OK, I think what she is doing is great, but it is hard when somebody you consider a friend leaves. I could talk to her about ANYTHING, and I mean it too.

I didn't feel like there were any subjects where she would be hurt and she never once hurt my feelings. She also was great about thanking me and others when they did things ... I mean more than I've seen most people be. OK sometimes maybe she overdoes it, but I've never disliked this at all. It makes me blush a bit, but she is just sweet beyond belief.

So my cold continues. :( Cricket guilted me into calling the nurse tonight to have a script written up. And I've got to pick up some shirts I had dry cleaned ... I must not forget.

After those errands, it is back to being bored and lonely again. OK, that sounds bad, but I really do have this feeling that people have forgotten about me. And it is wrong, as this girl who sells CDs private emailed me to talk a bit. I was very surprised and flattered by what she said ... it helps that I do have a crush on her. Nothing serious, but I generally like being around her, and I didn't know if she saw me as just a customer or as an individual. Now I know.


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