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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-04-08 - 9:55 p.m.

I Was Egged!

Never trust a bored engineer. Never ever give your apartment key to two bored engineers. Apparently when I was at the Stromkern concert last week, Bronco and Cloud used my spare key to Easter Egg my apartment. At first I didn't notice a thing. A few months back I accidently set fire to my place, which turned all of the spider web's black. For a few days I noticed the black spider webs were back.

Then I asked myself, why are spider's spinning already black webs? Instead of just looking at the ceiling in that passive way, I looked more closely and found out that Bronco and Cloud hide Resse's Peanut Butter Cups everywhere in my apartment. OK, most everywhere. They didn't find my bondage gear or porn. *snicker*


Friday night Redwood and Kat dropped by to pick me up and we all went to the local Nepalise resteraunt. I love the place. So much, that I've gone by myself once. Though it took Kat forever to get to Sacto (she had some work in Marin), it was great spending time with them. Now I see Redwood everyday, but Kat I rarely see. She is a wonderful listener and takes an interest in many of our stories. She also is not afraid to tell Redwood or myself when we are expecting the rest of the world to know the physics and science facts we take for granted.

Basically I was talking about some silly woman from Monterey who explained something about water very wrong. Kat just pointed out it was probably an honest mistake. She was right and it is nice to have friends who will politely tell you when you are geeking it out.


After dinner I went to Sacto's main goth club, Club Sanctuary. There I spent most of the night talking to the Davis Rivet Kids. They are really cool and I'll make more of an effort to hang out with them. They are mostly into noise and each of them has their own music / projects. They aren't fair weather club kids, they are most certainly into industrial music, make their own, and easy to get along with. Yeah, they certain are people I'd like to hang with more.

Post Office Hell

Don't, I repeat, don't live in a yuppy filled town like Davis. I needed to get my tax forms (which are due next week), so I figured I would drive to the Post Office when I woke up yesterday. Mistake. Every fucking soccer mom in her Urban Assault Vehicle (UAV) was out in force. These women have attitude, drive like they are 90 years old, and there are just too many soccer families in Davis (probably why the town is so safe, because I'm about the scariest thing around).

The parking lot for the Post Office had a 2 minute wait! To make matters worse there isn't any legal street parking around this part of town. So a queue built up. Eventually I found a space, ran inside only to find Shit! all of the 1040 and 540 (California state forms) were gone. Plenty of the EZ forms and other stupid things were there, but not the important ones.

I ran back to my car, to see 3 empty spaces, but people still standing in the queue. Leave it to the blue-haired child to take matters into his own hand, and start directing traffic. Yup, the situation was so bad that I started directing traffic. At least until my car was no longer double parked (people were behind it in that damned queue).

I decided to drive to the other Post Office. No luck there either. Apparently soccer mom's pay taxes using form 1040 as well. Grhhh.


Spring phoned me Saturday night. She wanted to do something. =) Wow! I was surprised and not sure if she wanted just somebody or me. It was me she wanted to hang out with, and I was feeling the same way. She had a tough week. We both did in fact, but hers was something I wouldn't do well with either. She is fine, but she needed a break.

I drove down and picked her up so we both could go CD shopping. Woot! We drove to the Cambell (San Jose) Rasputins store. Damn if it doesn't have the best selection in Goth / Industrial music! Rasputins are always good for alternative music, but the South Bay store blows all other stores out of the water! And it was filled with freaky people like us.

We both scored 4 CDs. I'll review them later, though I so wanted to bring maybe about 4 more. I would have, but I like to buy new stuff from Musica (it helps her business and I like how she lets us listen to stuff ... and I consider her a friend).

Dinner was Una Mas! And no, Bats did not walk by, though it was great to know that the old, "Who is that?" trick works and that my french fry stealing days aren't over. OK, so it was a nacho chip. She wouldn't have caught me if I wasn't laughing my ass off while spitting nacho crumbs out. *snicker*

Sexual Confidence

Though our relationship has changed, Spring has been working really hard to make me know that I'm still important to her. Plenty of emails, she is explaining things, and is there for me. To be honest I'm not sure why I was so worried, she really does love me as much today as last week.

She is still teaching me how to smoke. I'm a slow learner, since I refuse to smoke alone. This is how I won't let it become an addicition. That and my lungs are terrible to begin with. Funny thing, I got a huge buzz on 1/3 of an unfiltered cigarette! Imagine a small blue haired, bondage pants wearing boy bouncing and laughing at everything. Apparently cigarettes do relax me, and when I'm relaxed everything is funny.

Last night we were playing around, which always is fun. I won't go into every detail, but I will say that while fucking her boobs, that I managed to orgasm and ejaculate all over her.

Here are the amazing parts of it. First, I've been masturbating every night for the past several weeks, and Saturday I already had 3 times that day! Yup, I thought for sure I was "dry" by then. Second, I was worried about my performance anxiety problems. But there was no pressure and frankly, she does know how to get me going. Third, when I ejactulated I nailed her chin. It wasn't just a weak little puddle, which is what I get when I'm by myself, but a big mess. And damn did that feel a hell of a lot better than when giving myself a hand job.

I was worried that I might be back sliding, but now I'm agreeing with Spring and everybody else that sex isn't about orgasm. It is about being relaxing and just having fun.

General Insecurities

This attitude is helping with some of my other issues too. In particular why should I be insecure about being replaced? I shouldn't. I just need to keep in mind that people wouldn't ask to spend time to me or talk to me if they didn't see something they liked. Worring about myself isn't that thing, they like my perky side. So do I, so I'll just make more of an effort to let him out.

Lastly, Spring showed me her school art journals. I could go into some of them, but really that is her story. I must say this, one of the reasons I consider her more than just a friend is I really understand exactly what she is writting about. Her opinions on high -vs- low art (one of many opinions I admire and share with her) are really very similar to general thoughts I have about society and people. Her writing is so sincere and yet very concerned for the freedom of others.

This weekend was really good. Some problems at work are looking like they'll be solved, I'm feeling less worried about my future, and I got to spend time with the people I love.

Boot Envy

On a small note I feel sorry I couldn't find a pair of BDUs for Particle to borrow. Redwood is taking him out tomorrow night to the Box in Santa Cruz. As normal, Particle has nothing to wear, so he borrowed a pair of my combat boots and wanted some of my pants too. I don't have a problem with that, but I wish I could have loaned a clean pair to him. The boots, well, I don't like that pair much, so I'll see if he just wants them.

I am worried a bit about him, and he'll use the boots more than I will. Especially because I want to buy 3 new pairs this month anyway.


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One Soul