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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-01-18 - 00:16:19

Hey I have some news: (1) Cholesterol is within norms, (2) all that other nasty stuff ... Negative. I knew this, so it really was a pointless, but smart exercise. OK, I still need the HIV results, but that was a different test. Er, I think, it didn't say. Maybe I'd better call them and ask.

OK, so last night after fighting Nazis (Axis and Allies game), I tried to crash at midnight, but some boozo started what sounded like machine guns. I must have listened for about 30 mins to hear if they were getting closer or further away. No change.

It turns out that CALTRANS is tearing up the freeway near me and was jack hammering constantly from midnight until 5:30 AM. BASTARDS! Tonight I'm using my ear plugs. I can sleep through my own snoring, but CALTRANS. Damn they are loud.

I had a wild dream anyhow. Remember those Fisher Price toys when you were a kid? Well, I was in the Fisher Price Airport waiting in a huge line for a United Airlines flight to Pittsburgh (which moved to Europe ... don't ask, I didn't). Anyway, the seats were not heated and the side of the Fisher Price planes have windows without glass. It was cold in those planes. Brrrrrr.

To make matters worse, we had to use our feet like the Flinstones to take off. And my Grandmother was the pilot. Gawd, she wouldn't stop talking. I was cold, the quarters were cramped, as I was in a toy United Airlines plane, it was a long flight back from Europe and all over water (I hate water) ... and then your Grandmother was driving. She has to hit a single button to vote, she can't operate an airplane!

Um, we crashed into an Air Force base right when I was waking up. I only remember more helicopters around. It was incredibly sureal ... perhaps that is why it was a dream.

It turns out that last night some crazy guy drove his semi filled with milk into the state Capitol. I work only about 1 block away from the building. To give you a better idea, if I was a beaver and wanted to eat the first floor of my building away, it would fall and hit the state Capitol. Good thing I'm not a beaver, it might be interesting to do this.

So I went to look at the wreck. Three words: Winney-the-Pooh. Remember the story about Rabbit and Pooh Bear. Pooh ate too much and got fat? Well this truck drive was pissed about the power problem here in CA, so he killed himself by crashing head on in between two structural columns.

Something must be a bit off with me. Everybody else was looking at the truck and thinking about the waste. My first thought was, "Damn, the building hardly has a stratch! The engineer who build this must be proud." My next thought was, "Hmmmm, the flames seem to have leapt up in the air about 50', but the building shows no signs of anything other than cosemtic damage." My next next thought, "Interesting, I think this building is safe enough for people." Then came, "Funny, the truck is still wedged in there, maybe we can remove it." Finally, "Dear Lord! How did he get that in there."

OK there were many more. It is hard to write everything down, but it was like a kids wet dream of sorts. It was a building that you tried to destroy, but would not huff and puff and fall down. Somehow the who point of the truck driver killing himself still escapes me. I would have cared a hell of a lot less if he didn't do something that the building wasn't designed for.

I've already laid out a plan how to fix the area and make it safe. I want to raise the lawn around the Capital by about 6' on all sides right at street level. Then some spots will have the runaway truck gravel to prevent anything requiring friction from approaching the building too fast.

See, and you thought I was going to want to build a fence with guard towers and killer attack robots. Silly, who would waste robots on the Capital.

Anyway, the streets were packed today. They let us out of work at 5 PM, because the State is about out of power. I forgot my backpack, so I rushed back in and had to run to catch the bus.

FREE-BALLING. OK, so I was wearing boxers today. But GAWDS, how can guys run in boxers. I'm sorry, but I once tried to play Volleyball free-balling. Big mistake!

Let me explain it, when you move quickly in one directly, your balls follow. But they are a second or two later, so if you change your direction, they don't always follow. For me, this knocks me off balance.

Seriously! I can't run while free-balling. :( I also don't wear a watch because they used to make me feel off balance. But the balls, no, I like them being held up nice and tight when I'm active. Don't worry, they aren't prisoners ... *snicker*

Now I can sneak in some very bad news. :( My jaw fucking hurts. It may be related to my missing wisdom teeth or it could be just part of my cold. But I simply can't eat. Everything hurts. I need to buy a milk shake, that should be OK, but if I don't, I know what will happen. Classic when I'm sick is to just screw food.


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One Soul