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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-02-16 - 23:30:15

Gayla's Baby Bat Kites!

These kites rocked. OK, I've just dated myself, and in fact, I'm shocked that nobody I know remembers these.

What the hell am I talking about? Easy, back in the 80s a Houston based company named Gayla made these rocking "delta" wing styled kites. The first and smallest were the "Baby Bats". They were a simple plastic black kite (about 3'+ in width), with small bat ears cut out of the top and sticker eyes you'd put on.

SpOoKy eyes in fact. 8)

Anyway, since I grew up in Houston, about now is the time of year that it begins to become summer. Right, the middle of Feb. is the beginning of Summer ... please don't tell me how hot and humid the rest of the US gets. Asside from Florida and New Orleans, no other place can match the swamps of Houston.

So naturally my body wants nothing more than to put on a t-shirt, pants, and run around a field flying a Baby Bat kite.

There was Baby Bat, then there was a huge white kite called something like Super Bat or Super Spy. He had big bloodshot yellow eyes. Oh, these eyes rocked. And there was a Mamma Bat kite too.

Anyway, Houston is about the last place anything gothic or SpOoKy would come from, but hahahaha these kites rock. I want one now! *whine*


There is something wrong about listening to KMFDM's "Angst" (in particular its second to last track "Sucks") right before switching to Depeche Mode's "Black Celebration". Why? Peshaw, I guess my obsession with kites might mean I'm not that much of a "baby bat" myself in some things.

Kill Mother Fucking Depeche Mode (KMFDM). At least this is the easiest way to remember KMFDM's name. Well that and a number of KMFDM's songs make fun of Depeche Mode and themselves. I am finding many of KMFDM's lyrics are very fun, if not intelligent.

Oh, don't get defensive. I have more DM stuff than KMFDM. I bought my girfriend a DM CD because everybody needs "Music for the Masses". And in college I was banned from listening to DM on my friends stereo. Hell, I didn't get a CD player until I was about 21 years old!


So on my second night of no masturbation (which is hard for a healthy guy to do ... really), I had what is one of my first dreams (that I remember at least) of Spring. Basically I drove over to her apartment in the city. NOTE: Spring doesn't have an apartment yet, nor does she live in the city. Anyway, I had a hard time parking in the city and when I did, several cars double parked me in. She just laughed and said, "Too bad for you, you'll just have to stay over longer now." And then we went into her apartment ...

Then my fucking alarm went off. :( OK, I don't really have sex in my dreams. Sometimes I do, but rarely. And usually it is with women I don't know. But I have a feeling that this is where my dream was going. I can't be sure though, and technically I'm not supposed to have sex right now. Doctor's orders.

So looking at my current line up of clubbing and concerts. The Church may or may not be coming to San Francisco. Assemblage 23 certainly is! WHOOP! And rumour has it that Covenant and And One will pass through. I have a very busy next two months coming up. It is going to rock.

That is the nice thing about living in the Bay Area (well next to it). We get some rocking great shows and there really is a club happening almost every night. OK, so some of them are lame.

Lastly, diaryland has been interesting this week. A new profile feature lets us write down our favs music, books, and films. From there we can find other people with similar interests.

Originally I put the Church down and noticed nobody else put them down. But I was surprised to find out that the two other people who eventually pinned down the Church too, also checked out my diary. I've been reading both of theirs now, and I'll leave them notes this weekend (hopefully).

One interesting thing, I want to give a wee bit of advice to one person, but you know ... you really can't. Diary's only represent part of what is happening and I feel like it would be butting in where I wasn't invited nor familar with what is going on. But on top of all that LOGIC, I can't help but feel sorry for somebody who sounds like she is in a bad place.

So instead I'll hope she is still reading. My opinion has always been people shouldn't really get married until they are at least 30. Why? Well, I look at myself (almost 30) and realize how much I've changed and matured in the past year. I was much more possesive and insecure a year ago. OK, I've been responsible since I was maybe about 5, but that is what a Marine Corps Colonel for a dad will do to you. But often I believe and think I see other people falling in love not because they love somebody, but because it is just what people do.

That was the "Texas Way". (tm) When you are 22 you must find a girlfriend/boyfriend and get engaged. You show off your ring, and quickly get married. You need to show tons of physical interest in this person and no other.

BLECK! :p Like people who are puppies really know what they like! Most times they've met very few people .... OK I'm also a stinker because I consider myself Poly and I worry about spending too much time on one person.

The Texas Way has first child by 25, and often seems to result in divorce.

Right now I'm watching a California native (I live in California BTW) have his life fall apart because he followed the Texas Way. He got married, had a son, and now his wife refuses to work but runs some incredible bills. She was forcing him to have another kid, when he realized he needed out.

Anyway, I can't say what is love for other people and I don't believe it lasts forever (why else would people get divorces). But I hope that people can always re-examine their current situations from all POVs. For this total strangers on the internet aren't really who you should listen to. But instead turn to family and friends! I know that I'm there for my friend. Best Wishes!


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