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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-02-19 - 19:47:54

13th Sky & The Razor Skyline

Friday night was uneventful, as I went to Cloud';s apartment and watched ESB with him. Yes, this marks easily close to the 100th+ time that I';ve seen the film, but what can I say I love it.

Saturday I spent the afternoon with Redwood and Kat. We were looking for Seismic design books for me to begin studying. It was my plan to buy a book before coming to my grilfriend';s, Spring';s, place so that I wouldn';t drive her insane. You see, although I';m not on speed, I have the energy levels of a speed freak ... and I';m easily just as annoying.

Though Kat described it as this, "You are contagious!" It took it as a compliament that people get energized around me.

Anyhow, after not finding the book (poor poor Spring is now dealing with a sexually frustrated hyper rivet boi instead of a worrying and studying engineer) I picked up Cricket';s friend Neptuna and drove her to Alameda to a club called "Ain';t Dead Yet". It is an infrequent club in the East Bay and it was my first time to go to it.

Performing was 13th Sky (Gothic act with about 5 band members) and then the Razor Skyline. The Razor Skyline is a group I';ve been interested in after hearing two of their songs of COP compliation disks and seeing their name batted about.

Cricket recommended them, and she was right. Though the lead singer and drummer are new to the band (it is also a 3 person act now), I really enjoyed their show. I was almost dancing, which is good. And their drummer was fantastic ... though rivet girls clad in PVC smashing the hell out of electronic drums helps. She had a stage presence alright.

The club itself is tiny and the dancefloor small, but it is spread out, so everybody isn';t cramped into the same place. There were a few pool tables and a number of non-dancing goths and rivets were there.

Interesting note: I was young at this club! I felt like the average age was around 30 years old. This is always a rare treat. I guess the older crowd likes to hang out more in the East Bay. I certainly do and will go back.

Naturally I met Spring, Wingtip, Halo, Bats, and others there. It was great. All that was missing from what is becoming our regular little group were Grover, BunnyStomp, and Firefly.

I hope that Neptuna will hang out with us more. The more I meet people in the scene, the more good people I meet. Neptuna is a PhD student at Berzerkly and naturally is studying Neptune. The planet, not the god. She is a physics student and it is sometimes fun to remind her that although I';m an engineer that my education and speciality are in the earth sciences, which are similar to the work she does.

We spent a lot of time talking about Cricket and some time talking about CyberSmurf (Cricket';s boi). I think we both miss Cricket and on some level are worried about her.

We also ranted about Neptuna';s ex-boyfriend and relationships. Actually I didn';t rant, because every time anything remotely bothers me Spring as been 110% there for me. I do think she has figured me out! :) If anything, Neptuna';s rants about life partners and marriage kinda bothered me. As she went on and on about "the one" and finding "the one". While I agree that her ex was a flake and should have worked at their relationship, I didn';t want to say how strongly I believe in fluid relationships.

No, I';m about as loyal and hard working as they come. And right now I';m totally comfortable ... no blissful in my feeling that Spring and I have a huge emotional bond. This is something I value more than anything else right now. What really bothered me was the idea that Neptuna seems to have about "1".

By the end of the night she was asking lots of questions about me being involved in BDSM (as a submissive) and my poly relationship. I think she is begining to explore. Something she said that really clicked with me was how she once dated two guys and loved them both. See, I think monogomous people can understand poly lifestyle, just they always tend to get stuck on the marriage for life or "one person only" thing. If marriage were so fixed, I don';t know why there are so many divorces.

[NEXT ENTRY: Sex Club! & 2 bois, 1 girl]


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