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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-06-10 - 10:26 a.m.

The Interview

As a result of that fateful meeting with HR and being told I could save my head or dye my hair a "natural" colour in order to have a conservative appearance, I started talking to an engineer at that East Bay Water District only a few weeks ago.

Last week I updated my resume and filled out an application. All of this ended with me having an interview on Friday.

This particular job would be with the group that actually makes a reputation by poking holes in other water / environmental groups work. By that I mean their small staff of engineers often seeks to change the operations of both small and large groups in the Delta in order to lower the impact of these other operations on them. Over the years they have earned a reputation of being the "bad guys" at the State.

Sometimes they actually are on the same side of issues with us, but rarely.


Once my state co-workers find out that I've been interviewing with this district, some will think me to be a traitor. But as Redwood pointed out, the state system really seems designed at pushing away principled or talented people. It is ironic that a system designed to prevent corruption, actually encourages poor work ethics and doesn't eliminate the political atmosphere that exists at any job.

I don't want people to think of me as a traitor, but I do hope that someday that people like Shortround or Steelhead, both of whom abuse the system (and are reasons we can't telecommute) will understand that it is people like them that caused me to interview with this "great enemy".

How Did It Go?

Surprisingly well. While working on my resume last week I realized that I have 3 years of graduate school environmental modeling experience and 2 years of professional work. I also realized that I've worked on some pretty amazing projects.

I was enthusaisic (sp?) during the interview. And it didn't take me long to realize that while the engineers interviewing me asked some pretty tough questions, they were wanting me to have intelligent and "right" responses. I actually found them helping me out by asking questions in a way I could better answer then.

They also spent some time assuring me that I'd like to work with them. They were selling the job, and once I realized that they were trying to make just as good of an impression on me, I relaxed a great deal.

Interviews in general should work both ways, but I found myself talking so much or listening to them sell their points, that I didn't have too many questions to actually ask of them. I had hoped to have made a list of questions, but the nice thing is I know that if they like me for the position they have in mind, that they'll bring me back a second time. Plus, I can always email my questions and talk to them this week.

There won't be any blue hair at this office. In fact, I think some of the other construction and management engineers they walked me around to see, were a bit taken back by my general black hair and the cut of it. But the important thing is the engineers I interviewed with didn't seem to care.

Now I can live without blue hair. In a sad way that part of my life could be over, but I'm excited about getting the chance to potentially move back to the Bay Area. I'll just have to grow up a bit faster.

This interview process is forcing me to think more independently as well. I've asked friends for advice on the resume, but I feel as though I can kinda run off on my own now.

When Will I Find Out?

Well, I got the impression that they actually weren't expecting me to apply. The good news is several of them have seen me present before and I think they are generally impressed with me and the quality of my work. But they may not actually want me to be an attack dog, and I half feel that this is what they were looking for. They mentioned that they are interviewing two other canidates, at least one of which has a PhD and is a post doc in Switzerland. I only have a MS degree, but I'm also smart enough to understand PhD work. I can't really create something like that on my own, but I certainly can apply their research and understand why they do the things they do / create.

They said they want ideally to hire 2 people. One in a few weeks and another late in July. They were actually thinking that the modeler could hire on in late July ... that would be me (if they want me).

This works better in my schedule. I can finish some projects with the state and slowly look for housing in the Bay Area.

Show Me the Money

The sad thing is the salary they will offer me is looking like it will run over $1000/month! Now I have to sit down and figure out that I'm realy making with overtime included in that. And I need to know what the costs will be to live in the Bay Area.

Enough about that ... I'll keep everybody posted.

Burning CDs

At a party I was at on Friday I gave Alexandra some burned CDs. I don't want to copy too many CDs, but I don't mind giving burned copies to her. Why? Because she is a collector just like me. If she really likes the burned CD, in time she will buy her own copy.

I also generally don't mind giving copies to people who can't afford that many. I'm not sure how much she makes, but she is so generous in other ways, that I'm more than happy to drop CDs her way.

She also knows so much about music and loves to talk about it with everybody. It is fun hanging out with her. I'm so glad she showed up at the party.

Bringing out the Domme in People

At the play part I was at last week there was one cute girl there. She said she has met me before, but I don't think so. I didn't talk to her much, but I got the impression that she was a switch (based on the fact that she placed my head in her lap and was petting me). While talking with a friend who was there and knew her, I asked if she switched. He laughed and said she was exclusively a bottom. OK, maybe I called it wrong, but I wonder if she was switching when I was around.

Some people say that I'm no switch. The more they say this, the less I actually believe them. They say I'm totally a bottom. Maybe, but I think everybody can and will switch. They just need the right chemistry between people. And just as I could switch (and will some day) I think this women could too.

OK, it helps that she was very cute, but a bit shy. Anyway I found out that she had a good time and was talking about the party and hanging out with us all on the mattress. Since I was the only guy there and the one she was petting while talking with everybody else ... maybe she is interested in me. Maybe not, unfortunately another friend goes on and on about my wishful thinking. I don't appreciate her saying this, because she has done a lot to shatter my self confidence in the past 6 months. But even if it is wishful thinking, when you haven't had sex or have a lover, this is something to hold onto.


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