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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-05-30 - 12:53 p.m.

Chinese Finger Puzzles & Slow Pokes

Most people have heard the Chinese curse:

May you live in interesting times.

And I truely do. Well, at least my life is anything if bland. It seems I spend my weekends dabbling in BDSM or dancing at clubs that many people say, "That is just a bunch of noise." And I spend my weekdays working on some really cutting edge environmental research. I've split the line between science and culture / art, and I actually like this.

Last night while out with Redwood and his girl, I commented about how I'm just not feeling sexy and one good BDSM scene (last weekends was one) really has left me satisified. I think it also has to do with some other things that are settling down with me. There is a conflict in wanting to experience things and not being left out (which I feel and fear somebody has done to me) and wanting to just slow down and experience my double life.


Last night I finally bought Batman Returns. I'm sorry, but that film is really great. Yes, it is true that neither Batman or Catwoman can compare to Bob Kane's characters. In fact, I like how the comic version of Selina Kyle is a woman who grew up in an oprhanage and while a thief, dispises killing. Her comic version really is just a shadowy reflection of Batman. And at one point in the film she told Batman that they (herself, Batman, and the Penguin) were above the law.

The age old arguement over who is the best Batman seems to agree that Keaton wore the suit well. But I also liked him as Bruce Wayne. He was reclusive. Hell he was goth.

There can be no doubt that it was Tim Burton who is responsible for this, in addition to the wonder dark atmosphere of the first two films. Batman and Bruce Wayne are both obsessive complusives, both complicated individuals, and both have a marytr complex. Is there any wonder why I don't like Burton's Batman?

The icing on the cake is that the second film takes place in December (naturally my favorite month ... and not just because I was born then), and yet the taste of Halloween is everywhere.

In a way I feel like I wear two masks, but both have a withdrawn side. No, I'm not above the law. But I, like the characters, certainly am not above stepping in and doing what I can to see to it that people don't loose control.

In a sad way, I want to watch more from a distance and experience less first hand. Not that the experiences are bad, but the point of experiences is not to seek them out. It is to learn from them, and I've been going just too fast.

Fetish Event

My domme asked Spring and me (several times) to attend a Fetish / BDSM party this Saturday night. Originally Spring and I had talked about bringing her puppy up to my apartment and hanging out. There will be other times for this. Spring wants to really go to this party (I can tell). I am curious, but I really don't want to play. Spring came up with the idea that if we were to work at the event (as host/tesses) then we could be antisocial. I think this is the best way to start into what could truely be hard core BDSM.

Fingers Alone

After getting back from dinner with Redwood and Kitten, I saw I had two packages on my door. It was nearly 10 PM, so I only opened one.

It had a note:

In Minnesota
they sell
Chinese finger traps
(Happy Doodle Surprise)

Then there was cyrptic symbols at the bottom. Only a few people knew of this crazy plan of mine. I wanted to open a resteraunt chain called Happy Doodle Surprise where the menu would just have question marks and prices. Basically the ultimate managers choice place. Somedays you'd get gruel. Somedays you'd get puppy tails. Somedays you'd get a true mud pie. Other days you'd get a hamburger or chicken legs. The less you pay, the more likely you'll get something bizarre. =)

And chefs would wear silly Mr. Happy buttons and sign all sorts of songs. Damn, this was my plan back in 1992 ... and to think I didn't believe I was a goth back then. (Yes, I was in such bad denial, wearing all white and hating everything dark, except when nobody was around I'd watch those dark perky films.)

Anyway, included with the note was some of my old toys that I thought I had lost. Nobody took credit for the note, but the only person who would know about Happy Doodle Surprise is Bane (and now apparently his girlfriend). They must have been going through his stuff and found my old diecast airplanes and my old wooden sailing ship mobile. As a child I would get sick often and have to lie in bed for a few days. I would just stare all day at the mobiles hanging from my ceiling. They would calm me down and relax me. While I thought I had lost them all, apparently one ended up with Bane and he returned it to me. :)

Listening to: Haujobb Solutions for a Small Planet

Bane or his girl also put a Chinese finger puzzle in the bundle. Naturally I slipped my index fingers into the puzzle. I couldn't help it. Put a trap or bondage material in front of a submissive and he'll wrap himself in it every time. How many people do you know that hang their restraints and chains in their bedroom and always have cargo netting on hand? *snicker*

Broken Puzzle

Don't ever stick your finger in a Chinese Finger puzzle if you don't have a friend around! Don't! I was stuck and it was so tight that I had to kinda break it to get out. :( And I thought the trick was just to be careful. Not to have somebody else pull you out. Damnit, that was a not so fun 15 minutes!

Slow Pokes

Poke (v):Intercourse.
Poke (n):Slow Person. Annoyingly slow. A grandparent, or somebody who acts like one.

While I like slow poking, I don't have much tolerance for slow pokes. Though I love shopping with people I've met very few men or women who will run down the isle of a toy store or CD store with me. Very few men or women who can just keep up pace. It isn't that I am intense, it is just that I hate to waste time walking slowly while shopping.

And it isn't that I hate taking long walks. Monday I had one of those post relationship talks with Spring and we took her puppy out for a long walk in her suburbia. It was a great walk. No real goal, just hanging out. It is OK to be a poke then. But for some reason it just bothers me to slowly walk through parking lots or store isles.

Run Luke, Run!

Well, I need to find out if that was really Bane who brought my stuff back. I'm happy to see it, even though it is just junk. And I can't wait to hang this piece of my childhood back up.


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