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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-02-07 - 23:22:13

[Music: New Order, Technique: "Vanishing Point".]

Why do I tell you what I always am listening to? Well, first I think it gives you some insight to me. Second, it sets and defines my current mood. Third, I hope to share it.

I've always loved music. I would sing to my brother as a kid. Yeah, I sang him to sleep. It was corny, but it explains the bond we have.

I'm honestly hoping that he and the rest of my family outlive me. I do obsess about their deaths, and I want mine to come in my sleep and within the next 30 years.

I'm kinda a music geek. I figure in a year or two I'm a gonner. Hell, when you compete with your girlfriend to see who "discovered" a band first ... you've got it bad.

Oh, so I'm so excited: a concert on Saturday and I find out that RaZoReD SkYlIne is going to be playing the next Friday. :) I've heard just a few of their songs, but a female industrial act ... yeah!

Live shows rock. The music and atmospher just can't be beat even if the music itself is not as polished.

And then Deathline International has a show coming up soon too. But I know a secret about Deathline that most of the Deathline members don't know yet. I can't say, wish I could.

So last night I did my laundry. When I was almost finished Grover called, so we talked for a long time. Unfortunately somebody else needed my dryer, so they unloaded my machine. :(

I feel bad. That is a violation of laundry room ettiquette.

Grover always wants to go out to eat. While that is fun, she likes this smelly Thai place. It could be good, but I like Cricket's choice place better. You can sit on the floor and it doesn't smell bad.

That is a minor issue though. I needed sleep and I'm tight on money. So I can't eat out every night. She'll understand, so no big issue.

Folding laundry sucks. Ironing is so much worse. Bleck, why do laundry. People should walk around naked or in blankets. *snicker* (Notice how I always ask my female friends to do this, and few do.) *grin*

Well I need to buy some food for this weekend. It is part of being a host. And I also need to get books for me to start studying!

Hmmm, I think I'll build a castle now. LEGOS are so great.


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