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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-03-19 - 02:12 p.m.

6 years!

It has taken me 6 years since I passed on the Church's Seance to find it, but I managed to convince Redwood to stop off in Berzerkly's Rasputins records on our way home Sunday afternoon.

The album isn't nearly as good as Remote Luxury, but it still is something from my early music days and has several tracks that not only defined me, but also are worth spreading around.

Right now I'm listening to a mix CD I just cut. I tell people I have no desire to be a DJ and that I have little music talent. That is half true. I do actually want to learn how to beat-match and mix, then make true CD mixes to give people.

On a similar note, it feels good when I give people music and they appreciate it. Unfortunately the opposite is true as well. I really take a bit of an ego hit when people show little interest in my musical tastes. It is hard to describe, but I _am_ artistic. I don't need to have a piece of paper saying I am. And I feel when people tell me I'm not, that they aren't even looking.

Saturday night I also picked up L'ame Immortelle's "Wenn der Ltzte Shatten Fallt". After one listening I like it, but I'm not ready to recommend it yet.

So tonight I'll be dragging Redwood back down to the Bay Area to Death Guild. I doubt I'll dance much tonight, but my plan is to dance some, listen to lots of music, talk to a few people ... and see where things go from there.


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One Soul