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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-02-25 - 23:19:08

Thursday morning: It was raining and cold. Normally neither of these is an issue out here. And on the few days it does rain, it is pretty short.

For some reason the bus I take was crowded. So badly that by the time it got to my stop, there were already about 14 or so people standing.

What sucks is that there really is something called "Bus Ettiquette". You aren't taught it, but it does involve common sense. Something lacking in many people.

When the bus is standing room only and another 7 people have to get on, you simply have to move back towards the end of the bus. And yet some morons were telling new passengers to "squeeze" by them. Fortunately one of the riders had a "WTF" moment and explained to them that they were "too large to just squeeze past, so why don't you just move back".

OK, this is when people started to get mean. The folks blocking the back wouldn't move back, so myself and the people in the front kept asking them to move back. One person just pushed to the back and yelled how people are just supposed to move back.

Anyway, about 19 people were standing on the bus. I had my backpack in one woman's face and about three elbows in my own. It sucked it was so packed.

Then we get to the last stop, where the now infamous "guy in the red jacket" got on.

Like so many of the other peckers, this guy didn't have exact change ready or his bus pass (naturally these assholes are the first to rush on when the bus stops, but then never are ready). In his hands: 1 umbrella and 1 cup of coffee (God apparently hates people who don't use coffee to wake up).

With so many people already on the bus, the windows were completely fogged and the bus driver was already pissed off (I don't blame him at all after the "I won't go back, you can" incident). Anyway, the guy in the red jacket gets on and tries to move behind the "safety" line when the bus driver askes him to pay.

Red Jacket Guy says, "I don't have any hands free, can't you see that?"

Bus driver, "You should have had your bus pass or exact change already in hand. I come by at the same time each day. Don't make us all wait."

Red Jacket Guy now yelling, "It is raining, give me a break!"

Bus driver, "Fine, you can pay when we get to Sacramento."

Red Jacket Guy, "I have to stand! I shouldn't have to pay. This is ridiculous!"

Bus driver, "Everybody else paid, now bring out the fare."

Red Jacket Guy, "You just told me I didn't have to pay."

Bus driver, "No. I told you it can wait til I drop you off. I've changed my mind."

Red Jacket Guy, "You can't do that."

Bus driver, "Fine, then you can get off my bus." The bus driver stops on the freeway on ramp ... the middle of it. Not a good place, but it is obvious he is pissed.

Red Jacket Guy, "This is insane."

Bus driver, "Pay like everybody else, and next time have your money ready like everybody else."

OK, insert about 10 minutes of driving with steamed up windows, packed freeway traffice, and the Red Jacket Guy muttering "asshole, jerk, idiot, moron, etc" under his breath, but loud enough for the bus driver to hear.

The bus driver then askes, "Hey that mirror was moved, can you move it back for me. I can't see a thing."

Red Jacket Guy screams, "I've already told you twice I don't have any free hands."

OK, by this time I was ready to fucking beat the red jacket guy into a bloody pulp. It is pretty rude to push onto a bus without money in hand and make everybody else wait, but to threaten or anger a bus driver in terrible road conditions? Hello, do you see a seatbelt for your feet while you are standing? And why not hand your umbrella or fucking coffee cup to somebody else?

I wasn't the only person pissed at Red Jacket. A lawyer whispered that he should politely inform the "gentleman in the red jacket" when the bus stops just how many laws he has violated.

Anyway, normally I get off at the second to last stop. Instead, I got off at the first stop and just walked through the rain. I didn't want to have anything to do with the Red Jacket guy or the bus driver and they were heading to a fight.

This actually kinda reminds me about Particle, my friend who is getting separated from his wife and son. Particle spent the night here last night because his wife's parents were coming in town.

That is fine, though I am glad to have had Sunday afternoon to myself. I'll also spend next weekend when I get back from my conference alone too.

Anyway, Particle's wife really has crossed a line. She is starting to use their son to control and get back at Particle. For Valetine's Day she bought her son a bunch of presents using Particle's money, but only labeled them as from "mom". While I feel lucky for his son, that somebody remembered Valetine's Day ... it was for the wrong reasons.

And Particle's son's birthday is today, and yet in order to force Particle to take a day of vacation from work, his wife "moved" the birthday and celebration for the family to tomorrow. We get hardly any vacation with the state, it is fucking wrong to move a child's birthday just to spite your ex.

People are downright selfish. Wether it is rushing onto the bus and not having your fare ready, claiming to be there for somebody and then getting carried away, or manipulating children and playing for their affections ... it all just is part of the reason that I see myself taking a week away from people.


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One Soul