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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-05-21 - 5:20 p.m.


So I had the middle management check out my black hair today. They were happy enough with it. Actually I probably could have done anything, as they wanted me rather than somebody else to do the presentation. It hardly matters now though, as it will be months before I can be blue again.

I've already had comments from people, "You look normal, why did you change your hair?" My reply has been simple, "I did not want to, and I'm not happy about this." Surprisingly most people quickly respond, "Yeah that sucks" and then offer something to indicate that they'd like to see the blue back.

The human resources people here are just out of line, and when I get a few more of my work fires finished, I'm going to fight this dress code thing. In fact, one of my co-workers talked about this to one of the younger Principle Engineers and he was pissed too. Upper management doesn't realize that they are stuck in the 1970s and people are going to leave.

Bailing Out

Redwood came into the office today talking about getting a job at ILM. I looked at the job description and it fit him to a T. Oh, I'll miss him, but it isn't like I'm inclined to stay that much longer. The part that sucks is that my lease is about to run out for my apartment and in Davis they have only 1 year leases at the non-roach motels.

But I can always sublet. Combined with the heat, and growing state wide conservatism, I'm frankly tired of fighting the liberal cause while other "liberals" sit around and party their asses off. *grump*

Hot Topic

So I went on a hunt for more BDUs yesterday with Redwood, and my Army Surplus store was out! How did that happen? I need new pairs because either I've grown and become fat (i.e. I don't fit in my clothes as well) or they've shrunk in the wash. Probably a bit of both. I can't complain. Most guys my age have serious guts and start to become couch potatoes. I'm in danger of doing the same, especially if this summer remains hot.

I need to move to the Bay Area so I can do my own thing at night.

As for Hot Topic, I went there to get a Metropolis Industrial / Gothic comp that they have each year. It is $7, and usually has great stuff. Though I've been hearing Velvet Acid Christ's "Lysergia" in clubs for months, I think it is time for me to get their new album. I was also surprised to find BDUs at Hot Topic. Not the normal crappy cargo pants, but true BDUs at BDU prices, but labeled as cargo pants.

OK, I'm picky, but Rivets need to learn the difference between cargo pants and BDUs, otherwise you become a weekend goth. The difference isn't that hard. Basic Dress Uniform (BDUs) are military, so they are one size fits most (well, technically there are sizes, but no waist size). They also use buttons instead of zippers or metal pieces. You can have a cotton blend or ones made of a cheaper and lighter weight material called "rip stock".

That said, I actually wear both cargo pants (for civilians) and BDUs. In fact, cargo pants often fit better, because they are made for a specific size.


Today I spent my entire work day creating a presentation for Thursday. Originally I thought I would make it entirely of reused slides and just keep the presentation down to 9 slides. Then I realized that I would be talking to a public that doesn't understand terms like: "Spring Tide", "Neap Tide", "Flood Tide", and "Ebb Tide". So in addition to talking about computer modeling to the public, I'll be giving a Tidal Physics 101 lecture. I have the entire presentation down to 22 slides, and some of them are short and easy. Now I need to trim it down so that I can do the entire presentation in about 10 minutes.

It is interesting, because the group I'll be with are all older and much more experienced. I'm going to represent "younger" people.

I'm not worried about the presentation, as I have a few more things to prepare (handouts and answers to other questions that might arise), but I know that a number of biologists and engineers trust my abilities to present.

Dark Cloud

And yet there is a dark cloud I've not spoken of that is looming over me. I don't like it, but I've tried to deal with it and there really isn't anything I can do if a person remains closed minded. It is funny that I've spent about a week now worried about and complaining about closed minded engineers, and yet it troubles me when I see others who agree that many in my profession are being unfair and closed minded to be the same, but in a different way.

I'm talking about double standards and they really bother me. I understand they exist, and I'm certain there are some I'm guilty of. However, I really don't like it when other people claim they aren't applying one and yet they are. You can't call them out on it, without setting them on the defensive. I've tried to talk about it, and until I find a way, I'll still feel that dark cloud.


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One Soul