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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-10-04 - 12:08 a.m.

Presidential Debate 2004: #1

Thursday night I rushed home so that I could watch the first of the Presidential debates. I watched bits and pieces of the primary debates and ended up voting for Kucinich (sp?). By the time the primaries hit California, most of the other candidates, including Howard Dean and John Edwards, had dropped out of the primary. Personally I liked John Kerry the least after Joe Lieberman.

Before Thursday I was planning to vote for Cobb (the none talked about Green Party candidate). Why would I do this? Well, first to put it bluntly, John Kerry came across as an asshole in the primary debates. He also voted for the patriot acts and his Senate record is pretty piss poor. Second, California is his for the taking. He'll get our 55 Electoral College votes with or without my vote.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by his behavior in the debate. In my opinion he came across so much better than Bush did. In fact, playing NationStates, I can totally understand the position he was in via some of Bush�s responses to his comments. I would have been completely annoyed, but he didn�t seem to show it. He came across as Presidential.

So much so that I'm considering changing my vote from Cobb to Kerry. Sadly polls showed that the debate didn't change too many people's minds, but it helped shift me towards Kerry. Furthermore, polls are starting to show that Bush may win the Electoral College without winning the popular vote (again).

The Electoral College system needs to go, but for now, I'll limit my part to being informed and watching the remaining debates and working the elections as a poll worker.


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