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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-09-08 - 4:03 p.m.

Medical Nightmares

Late last week my grandmother was admitted to the hospital for an emergency quadruple bypass surgery. My dad flew back east to be with her, and ended up passing out in the hospital. While that is the best place for something horrible like that to happen, my family has been distracted by the fact that two generations of my family were in bad shape and stuck in the hospital.

My grandmother survived the surgery and is now recovering. We'll see how that happens, but at 84-years old, she is still in a high risk group.

My father was discharged, only to return to a California emergency room this morning complaining of pains and dizziness. My mom just phoned to let me know that so far they think he might just have a couple of things, including an inner-ear infection.

Remember a few months ago when I complained of terrible dizziness? I do, and I'm glad I keep a journal. Even though I've not been adding many public entries as of late, I am still writing as much down as possible it. It helps me.

But apparently not enough. I'm in mild pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm at a 6 right now. It is stress related. I know that. Personally if I wasn�t under so much pressure from work, family, and friends, I'd call in sick for just one day. Monday's holiday was kinda good, but all those other pressures were there.

It isn't that I have a problem with work, family, or friends ... but they all expect too much of me. They need me in ten different places, doing twenty different things all at the same time.

But I can survive. Friday night I have a date with myself. I'm locking my door, disconnecting my phone, and avoiding all (save maybe the UPS man who will soon be bringing me a toy plane -- my current comfort treat) for a weekend. It sounds like a good plan.

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