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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-06-09 - 11:01 a.m.

You Know What Sucks?

When you are sharing a room with a guy, and you tell him, I don't care if you have sex or anything while I'm away. Hell, I don't care if you bring a girl home and fuck her while I'm there. Just don't expect me to treat you fucking any different than you just sitting there. Sex is really not that much different than anything else and I'm just too tired to bother with pretending it is something special ... considering that any girl you pick up in Leipzig will really be nothing more than a fling anyways.

No problem there.

So the guy goes and has sex.

No problem there either.

You walk in on them, and they lie about it and say they are just cuddling.

Hello! Sex fucking has a musky smell. Different people have different sex smells, but HELLO, don't you people know that sex smells?

Sometimes I wonder if my sense of smell is perhaps a bit different than other peoples. For example, when I was at that strip club a few years ago, the smell of all the pussies the dancers were shoving in my face (not by my choice either) were all different. I wasn't happy about that � but hey, when your friends take you to a strip joint, of course that kind of thing will happen.

Anyway, my friend lied to me about the sex stuff. I guess he is a bit more worried about it, but I think it is good he got laid. He has been talking about it for over a year and it likely made his experience.

Of course I didn't get laid in Germany. The reason: the truth is I'm extremely picky and hard to approach. Any time a woman starts to talk to me in English or German, I tend to run off. Only aggressive women get a shot at me, and even then it is amazingly hard to catch this spirit. That and the fact that in Germany people assume I'm in high school or maybe a beginning college student. It comes from looking young and being small and literally running around everywhere.

Europeans seem to age faster than Americans. To be honest, it is kinda flattering to have bunches of young women curious about me.

n.p. amduscia :: melodies for the devil


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