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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-05-03 - 8:45 a.m.

Dry Wall & Comic Show

It is Monday morning. I'm not sure if I want to pummel people to death today or not? I'm going to just keep my office door shut and perhaps the distance will keep me sane.

We'll see though, I was extremely upset by the end of last week and still feel as though I'm getting very little support.

Another weekend spent working on my brother's home (and some time spent on my folk's yard) ended with one of his garage walls being dry walled. This is a good thing. We are actually learning a fair amount by working on his garage.

The most important lesson of them all: you need the right tools. He has three utility knives lying around his construction space. One of which is broken. Since it belongs to his father-in-law (future), he won't throw it away. Naturally this means that the damned thing ends up in hand every time you need a knife.

I couldn't possibly throw it far enough away to eliminate its damn curse.

My brother and I did sneak away Saturday morning to Wonder Con, a San Francisco based comic convention. It would have been a total waste if not for two things: tons of trade paper backs were on 1/2 off sales, so we added to our Marvel Masterworks and Marvel Essentials collections, and we spent hours talking to representatives from 21st century toys. One of the guys was one of their model designers and seemed to know everything about the aircraft he creates. He also had some cool stories about his work on Episode 2.

I'm also practicing my German. Who knows if I'll meet a German girl while at the festival? I highly doubt it, because right now I can ask for directions to a train station, but even that isn't enough for even a one night stand. But I do leave in a little over two weeks. With that in mind, if people want postcards, let me know ... especially if you've moved in the past year (which I can think of a few people who have).


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