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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-04-30 - 5:02 p.m.

God Am I Still Pissed

So while everybody has been cleaning their offices today (and why the hell do they let their offices get so messy, I will never understand) and I've been busying earning money for the group, I noticed that the "environmental engineers" have struck.

This one environmental engineer took a piece of shit car and instead of just letting it waste, paid out the ass to have it repaired. Hopefully somebody will buy it and use it and care for it. So it won't turn into total scrap.

The rest of the office has been throwing away perfectly good jewel cases and empty binders. Keep in mind that these same people will be going to the supply room and buying new jewel cases and binders in a few months.

I grabbed a few things while walking by, but I honestly need to get these reports done and can't afford to spend 10-minutes digging around people fucking coffee cups.

While short-term it might seem like they are saving money, where does all this *non broken* crap go? The magic free storage land maybe?

This is why I hate the human race. People don't think. They through away good crap, and it isn't like they aren't sitting around on the phone talking to their friends anyways.


The silver lining on my Contour Cloud? It is past 3 PM, and in government talk that means everybody has gone home after a grueling 6-hour work day. (I'm one to talk, I came in late because of the car crap today, but normally I put in a bit over 40-hours, which compared to the 30-hour weeks some people put in is amazing.)


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