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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-04-01 - 4:46 p.m.

Feeling Better

Having a slave girl show up in my email inbox was nice. Having the day off yesterday was even nicer. I signed another year lease at my apartment, dropped some old VHS tapes and books at the library, deposited my pay check, and finally got my hair cut.

I got a bowl cut. I dunno if I like it. I actually don't like hair to begin with. Mine or anybody else's. It just gets in the way of things. Yes, THOSE things. It annoys me. I hate facial hair, I hate body hair, I hate head hair.

So why don't I just shave my head? Easy, I hate blood more than hair. Especially Contour blood. I've seen more than enough of it to last a lifetime.

Anyway, next hair cut will probably have my sides tapered or something like that. I know what I want my hair to look like: two-toned Sherdian from Babylon 5. I'd even be happy with something kinda like Reed Richards (comic book character). Basically I want a no-nonsense hair cut that says, "Yeah, I've got hair, but I'll be shot dead before anybody yanks on it."

Some bums on the street today told me that I look like somebody. I couldn't really understand who, but it was clear that they weren't trying to be rude.

I think it is part my hair cut, part how I move. Months ago while hunting for Cricket in SFO, she went up to a security guard and asked, "Have you seen a guy about 5'8", wearing all black, quickly walking with a very determined look?" Sounds pretty vague, but the guard then described me to her. Apparently I have a walk when by myself.

But I want a different hair cut. Basically what I have now, but something a bit different. Call me a jerk, but this is one of the things that actually makes me miss having a girlfriend. I wouldn't dare cut my own hair, but hell, if you trust somebody enough to sleep with her, I don't see what having her swing some knives around your head is any less dangerous.

Just remember, never ever argue with your barber. They've got knives and know how to use them. You are stuck in a seat with a blanket or towel wrapped around you. Best case, you get a knife stuck in your skull and manage to run out before the loss of blood causes you to collapse. Best case.

n.p. sea ray :: stars at noon


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