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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-03-30 - 1:27 p.m.

Q: Why is everything moving so s l o w l y

A: Because I have a bloody cold. The irony is Saturday I was thinking it has been ages since I've last been sick. Naturally I think what my thought really was is a giant signal flare to the universe saying, "Now would be a good time to get Contour sick!"

Presto. I spent yesterday at home in my jammies drinking tea and watching Babylon 5 and reading comic books. But you know what?

I liked it. I really really liked just doing nothing!

And you know what would have made it better? Three naked slave girls feeding me scrambled eggs. And no tickling allowed.

I just hate it when chicks figure out that I'm ticklish, because there most be something about women, but they just don't ever STOP with it.

I mean, they are honestly lucky that my being tickled reaction is to yelp and jump, because I've shoved doctors away rather forcibly for sticking needles in me. Yuck, needles!

Anyway, I'm tired and groggy. And everything around me is moving in slow motion. I half wonder if the world always moves at this speed, but if my brain is normally operating at a different setting and just normally processes information faster. Am I slower now or faster when healthy? What is the norm? How do other people see well other people? And why can't I focus on all the little annoying details that normally bug me. Finally, I want another cup of tea ... and of course would settle for even two slave girls. And a rat dog or space monkey to sit at my side and laugh at everybody for me, especially the poor slave girls.


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