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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-03-23 - 1:50 p.m.

Ultimate Spiderman

I'm a bit sad now. I've finally caught up on the Ultimate Spiderman story. I've been reading Redwood's comics (I can't afford my own right now, with a trip to Europe and my brother's wedding coming up my money has suddenly gone bye-bye).

I am still loving Ultimate M.J. and Gwen Stacey. I never really read the Spidey comics as a kid, but had a few from the Felicia Hardy era. But what little I've seen of the 1970s and 1980s Mary Jane I never cared for. Ultimate Mary Jane Watson is totally different. She is an extremely strong character. In fact, I'd say she is one of the strongest characters around.

On other news, I spent the weekend with my brother. Since he bought his house in late January I've been spending a lot of my time with him. Mostly I'm around to help him shop for things for his house, as I'm the only person who doesn't get crabby at a moments notice. The others are sick of working day and night on the house, so they get short tempered. As the weekend help, my tolerance for this stuff is much greater, so I'm the ideal Home Depot shopper.

Sunday night I did make it out to San Francisco to see Psyclon Nine and Aslan Faction. Both are what I call aggro-EBM acts -- aggressive EBM bands. The vendor for NoiTekk was there, so I picked up a ton of stuff (most of which I still haven't had the chance to listen to yet).

In between the bands, I ended up dancing for a little bit. At concerts, few people dance around on the floor between sets. But while dancing I noticed many people watching me. No big deal, but I realized there are times I'm actually pretty good. To noise and experimental and aggro-EBM I really do know how to dance and do it well. There are really only a few women in San Francisco who actually can dance (most can't, though I dare never repeat this in public). But damn, the girls who can move, do it so well. Interestingly both of them are in their late 30s and early 40s. Dancing is about using your entire body, not just a small part of it. While more than these two actually can dance, these two women just move in ways that amazes me. I guess the more I think about it, it isn't that other women can't dance. They just don't do it in a way that I find attractive. What I find attractive is moving your legs, your arms, your waist, your head, your name-it. People who are dancing more for expression and less out of a simple pattern really just come off doing it so well in my humble opinion. They are fun to watch and fun to dance next to. I know it, and I can see it in the faces of people watching us dance together on a floor.

Thursday and Friday nights I'll be at two more concerts: the Church is in Northern California.

n.p. grendel :: medicide

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