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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-03-04 - 10:37 a.m.

1930s Again

Well, while I don't mean to offend any Republicans, but I don't see how any human being that claims to believe in civil liberties can tolerate President Bush. It is nice to see a political revolt spreading across the United States. More US cities are standing up to what is a minority view point, and allowing gay marriage.

It seems to me that a big part of civil liberty and freedom is allowing people to do things when what they do doesn't hurt you. I'd like to see a single person try and prove in a court of law how a same sex couple remotely can have any negative impact on another couple.

The whole Republican business about crying about it is lame. It is a religious argument, and in theory there is supposed to be separation of church and state. If God is really that upset about it, why doesn't he / she just destroy each city they way the Bible describes him wiping out Sodom and Gomorra?

Anyway, I'm not very proud to be an American right now. We have a corrupt government that is violating some of its highest laws. And now our leader is claiming to make a constitutional amendment banning gay marriages. How is this not a states right issue? Oh, I forgot � states only have the rights to restrict civil liberties, but if they start granting them, then it is the Federal Government's job to grow in size and restrict these liberties that the states foolishly grant.

With all this in mind, Senator Kerry would have to start murdering people to not get my vote. Even then, he still might qualify as the lesser of two evils, because can you imagine what Bush is planning to do if he is re-elected for a second term? I think one of his first acts in 2005 will be to burn Harry Potter books on the White House lawn because they talk about witches and goblins!

So what am I gonna do about this? Well, I'll probably buy a few Kerry signs and post them. But California stands behind the man, the signage here isn't gonna help that much. The key is giving the Democrats the money necessary to buy back the White House. If I'm still angry about this next week, I'll write Boxer and Feinstein and urge them to censor anybody who proposes using the US Constitution to restrict freedom.

n.p. sunshine blind :: liquid


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