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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-02-27 - 1:34 p.m.

Big Storms

My week from hell is only half over. In fact, I'm in the middle of what is only the calm in the middle of the storm. Monday night I drove to my brother's place to help him work on remodeling his house some more. Tuesday through Thursday I was at a modeling conference related to work. The conference was held in Asilomar (which is a state conference center on the beach just south of Monterey). There could be no better place to meet.

Wednesday morning around 4 am a huge storm hit shore, knocking out both the power and bringing down a few old trees and light poles. It was my first storm on the California Coast. While it did not compare to the intensity of storms we'd get coming in from the Gulf of Mexico (read hurricanes), it was still an impressive storm. I so wanted to take pictures of the huge waves that were constantly pummeling the defenseless shore. But there was so much water, that my camera wouldn't be the same if I took it away from the safety of my backpack for even a minute.

My presentation on forecasting was well received. My bosses who were there said I did a great job, but I never know when they are saying this to be nice or when they mean it. I hear this from them frequently. But the other three forecasting presentations (part of the same project as mine) were really good and others said the four of us fit well together.

The storm started on the day after my presentation, so when the power went out, I just sat next to the fireplace in our conference-cabin (we meet in nice cabins) and listened to what the others had to say.

There is a lot to be said for inclement weather outside and a fireplace inside. As a kid the idea of sitting before a fire would have bored me to death. Perhaps I'm just starting to grow up, because my most fond memories and activities include fireplaces. It isn't that I'm a romantic. It is simply a matter that I'm very warm blooded and require heat.

The Asilomar fireside chats really put me at easy. Let's hope that moving my brother into his new house and working the election on Tuesday will also include some small moments of joy.

n.p. hungry lucy :: apparitions


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