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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-01-14 - 12:53 p.m.

Mail Order and Secret Societies

This happens all the time to me. I plan everything down to the last minute or detail, and something else screws up. I suspect it is all a plot convinced by a group called the Secret Empire or Hidden Society that worships snakes and genetically modifies humans to follow me around. Yes, I'm convinced this is what they are doing, because I myself probably don't realize that I'm meta-human.

Anyway, my most recent Metropolis Records order came in last night. But it was missing the most important part of the order, my spare WumpCap. Stop laughing! WumpCaps are awesome.

So many people ask me, "What is Wumpscut?" The point of most industrial music is a political or social statement. What better way to open the door than to advertise it!

I wanted to email Metropolis to tell them that my order was incomplete (they charged me for the cap but only sent my four CDs in a tiny, tiny box), but my net service was down most of last night. I've got tons of emails to respond to (a few did make it through to me).

That said, I'm not supposed to "tell anyone", but word has made it to me that This Morn' Omina and Empusae (two of the newest hottest industrial bands in the world) will be making a rare trip to North America. They are going to Los Angeles, and looking for a chance to visit the Bay Area in April. A This Morn' Omina and Ah Cama-Sotz sideproject, Pow[d]er Pussy, might be added into the mix.

When I say hottest industrial bands, I mean GREAT techno / experimental / tribal / ambient / industrial music. Fun to listen to, fun to dance to, really cutting edge moody material that like the early 1980s industrial really defined industrial music. While the shows may not happen, and while they will be under attended, I've seen some European bands in San Francisco that many people miss out on. This will be the show to remember of 2004.

Of course, once the Secret Empire finds out about this, they'll conspire to use a super powered assassin to take out Mika. If they fail, no doubt the Hidden Society will then cause some sort of "natural" disaster to occur in Northern California, but hey, isn't that still cause for celebration! After all, as an engineer I'm paid to clean up after accidents.

TRANSLATION: I hope local folks support these shows. This artists kick serious ass. I've seen Mika in Leipzig, and though he wasn't the best at the festival (that honor lies with the Love Is Colder Than Death crew), now that I have his albums his live show will mean more to me.

Now if I can only get my hands on Sturgis's Exit Ritual!

n.p. this morn' omina :: le serpent blanc - le serpent rouge


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