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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-12-29 - 9:14 a.m.

Holidays Should Be About Relaxing

I was happy at work on Friday, though had I thought ahead, I would have brought my USB connector and digital camera to work to begin downloading my holiday photos. Digital cameras are such fun!

Friday night I drove back down to my folks', figuring that Saturday I would spend some time with my brother. Not much though. His fianc�'s sister was having some silly 2-day birthday thing and he was pretty much required to be at both family gatherings. It is the same old story, one very controlling mother dictating what anybody remotely connected to the family do.

Aside: the rain is flying sideways outside. But however strong this winter storm is down here on the valley floor, you can bet that they are getting hammered in the mountains to the east!

My mom wanted to host a Holiday Party this weekend, and she did. But it is amazing she got the house cleaned, because for every square inch of house she cleaned, my dad was not far behind "helping". We use the same word to describe what the cats do when they follow you around wanting attention. Granted, with my dad it is different, but he doesn't handle stress well at all. Frankly it would have been easier on my mom if he had just focused on cleaning the outside or changing the oil or something. Instead I mowed the lawn, which is something that I hadn't done in over a year. Naturally the mower was out of gas, as was the spare can.

But the party went well. I got to meet my brother's fianc�'s mother and father for the first time. Her father rocks! Nice guy, full of plenty of stories and would talk to the cats if nobody else was around. Her mother needs to grow up. Period. She was telling me how I wouldn't like sports like baseball, but would like golf. "Hello Bitch Whom I Just Met, but maybe don't ya think that I should worry about telling people what I like and dislike?" She came across as rude. Last night was her freebie.

Next time she pulls this crap, I'm first talking about all the wild BDSM parties I've been too. Then I'm talking about the time I was dancing on a burned out Mustang for New Year's Eve. Then I'm talking about how yuppies are CRAP and how I work the elections instead of just being a spoiled brat. Then after that I'll load her down with talk about cancer in our water supplies and the paper on water supply in China that I'm editing. Basically I'll make her feel pretty fucking small, but won't ever imply that she is, I'll just give her a small sample of what I do in a year.

Normally I wouldn't do this, but she is so full of herself. She even went on to explain that my brother needs to get a hobby that she can get into because she doesn't like anything my brother likes so shopping for him is hard. "Yo Bitch, ever consider that maybe you are the one needing to change hobbies?" The amazing thing is my brother likes tons of things and is the EASIEST person I know to shop for.

n.p. wumpscut :: wreath of barbs


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