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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-12-26 - 1:10 p.m.

Christmas 2003

All and all, I do enjoy spending time with my family. But my father and sister are a terrible combination. Neither of them idles well. In fact, they both need to be the center of attention and it gets really old really fast having to listen to them when you know they aren't listening to you. They both have this nasty habit of totally closing their ears while talking.

Everybody does this, but having the two of them nag ya about two different things at the same time is often too much.

The sad thing is they have nothing in common, because if they did, they could both run off and work on something or watch something or whatever and just get out of my hair.

I love them both dearly, but I was happy to return to work today knowing I'd not only have a short break, but that I could also turn in early (i.e. 11 pm) with the justification, "I have to go to work tomorrow."

I also understand why they both want so much attention ... they rarely see me, so they want to make the most of my time.

The bottom line is, understanding why they are needy makes it a hell of a lot easier to deal with having to repeat yourself a BILLION times.


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