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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-12-23 - 10:30 a.m.

What a Month!

It isn't about to let up either, but the bottom line is I'm looking forward to Thursday (Christmas). The reason is simple: I want to start a fire in my folks' fireplace, lie on their big comfy couch reading novels and comics, in a room lit only by the fireplace and the Christmas tree.

For the past two weekends I've made trips down to the Bay Area to help my folks decorate their house: inside and out. I've also squeezed in a few parties and Christmas shopping. I still want to get my mom something else, but when and what remains to be seen. Tonight I want to finally get a hair cut!

I tend to shave most all of my hair off, but it always grows back to some sort of messy short length. The short part is good and will last a month. Then it starts to enter redneck territory, and that is just wrong. Plain wrong.

Last week I went to a Dismantled / Psyclon_Nine concert and earlier in the same week an Iszoloscope show. Iszoloscope fucking kicked ass! Though I only introduced myself to Yann for a brief minute, he seemed like an incredibly great guy. Not stuck up, just into the music. And he makes great stuff. Dismantled was a bit of a let down. Some of Gary's stuff is good, but I've never cared for everything he does. I did feel that his band members were good, but it was his vocals that I didn't like.

Both shows had pretty sad turnouts, though the folks that did show up for Iszoloscope really got into his performance. Too many people just can't afford going out that often in the holidays and I can honestly say that I understand their dilemma.

Though I was originally considering dressing as Marvin the Martian for Halloween, lately I'm considering contacting the Bay Area Star Wars Fan Club and seeing if these guys can help me construct a TIE pilot uniform. I want! I want, I want, I want!

n.p. plastic noise experience :: neural transmission


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