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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-12-03 - 4:35 p.m.

Busy Plate

Sometimes people say things that may be brutally honest, but they burn. They hurt, and continue to again and again when whatever they said comes back to haunt you. One ex pointed out how silly it was to watch a 5-year old (me) trying to save the world every day.

While she is right that I'll drive myself to death and hurt those around me by doing so, I'm not a 5-year old. I'm not unprepared for everything the world can throw at me.

But there are some things that I am not ready for. The busy stuff at work I can almost handle, but I'm having a hard time being a good friend for my friends who had their friend kill himself last week. It isn't that I'm being rude, but damnit, I wish I could just stick my tongue out and cross my eyes and make them forget. (Yes, like those t.v. witches that wiggle their noses or bob their heads to cast their spells, the "I Dream of a Warlocked Contour" sitcom would star a cartoon who would cast his spells by sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes.

If I was a live action guy, I'd probably be forced to use Bill Mumy. Not by choice, but hey if cartoons were appropriate for all audiences, the Daredevil Movie wouldn�t have been forced to use Ben Affleck. Bleck! (OK, actually I'm lying. I actually like Affleck, but I'm probably the only one.)

n.p. v/a :: the flatline compilation 2


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