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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-11-26 - 9:20 a.m.

Newsflash: I'm NOT Jesus

People sometimes tell me I'm nice. And then when I do something boneheaded (which frequently happens), they act as if they're in total shock. I'll hear, "But we would never have expected you to do that!!??!!"

Yeah, I could kinda understand that attitude on my insensitivity if I were an angel, saint, or Jesus. But I make mistakes and say rude things all the time. The truth is, I'm a grumpy, scrappy guy. An asshole. When I get old, you better believe I'm buying myself a cane to wack things with, because society will allow that.

So why do people seem to have higher standards for me? It isn't fair.

When I was looking over my second study on this rush project, I found two mistakes. It was 30 minutes before 5 PM. I wanted to get home, as this project has me pissed off. So after finding the mistakes, I found a way to fix them and sent the "I made a mistake" email to my bosses (not the project manager).

This morning when I was talking about how I found a mistake, fixed it, and I'm reasonably sure that the problem has been solved at the cost of a day�s worth of worth, I also made a point to tell my boss's boss, "Hey, when you handed me these two loafs of bread, I honestly tried my best to feed a thousand people. Unfortunately, bread crumbs don't go very far."

She just laughed and said, "So you're really telling me you aren't Jesus?"

"Not by a long shot. They asked for a miracle. I tried, it isn't going to happen."

n.p. sona eact :: hard industrial loop check


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