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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-09-15 - 5:18 p.m.

Vanity is Comfort

I'm vane. It comes with being the comfortable with yourself.

It seems that my entries range from being driving by really positive or really negative events in my life. Sometimes the, "Oh yeah, this is what I'm like in between" parts get left out.

A few weeks ago (after some drama the night before) I got a chance hitch a ride on one of my department's boats to tour the Delta that I work on. Being a desk engineer chances like these are fairly rare. But they also reaffirm that I belong in an office. There is just too much going on here that I'd feel overworked if I constantly had to go out in the field.

But it does make my field trips a real treat. While out in the field, field guys instantly know I'm a modeler (aka computer guy). You can just tell by looking at a person's hands. Rough hands equal hard work. Mine aren�t that beat up.

Anyways, a picture tells a thousand words. This is me in the field. You tell me what you see:

n.p. yendri :: inhaliere meine seele und strib


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