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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-09-09 - 1:32 p.m.

Why I Support Recall

Recall is losing support. I think some of the lost support is that a safe generalization is to claim that Democrats (registered Democrats, not their corrupt leaders) are slow to react. Having worked the polls for years, I've yet to see a Republican or Independent come running up to the poll after 8 PM. And yet, several elections I've had registered Democrats (I know this, because they'll tell me while admitting it is true that Democrats run late) run up after 8 PM and beg for us to allow one more vote.

Anyway, the problem isn't the voters as much as it is the politicians. They are the ones abusing the system. But it is frustrating that voters do turn on each other. Democrats claim that recall is a conservative plot to steal power back. This statement pisses me off.

I consider myself fairly progressive and liberal. I'm not going to name off the list of topics that I support, but the bottom line is that many of the key values of the Green Party appeal to me. I support them all in one way or another. I also strongly believe in Grassroots democracy. I support in a government not controlled by special interests. And I truly believe that is a governor who is corrupt and listens only to special interests like Gray Davis were to be recalled, that in the future elected politicians would be more concerned with doing than job than taking bribes (which Davis has).

In short, I support recall not because I dislike the politician affiliation of the current governor. Instead I support recall because I think what the current governor is doing is criminal in spirit and anti-democratic. Gray Davis and others like him are a disease on our society. I'm just glad that a peaceful way to remove him exists.

n.p. qntal :: qntal III


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