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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-07-17 - 11:02 a.m.

This Is What Goth Boys Do When Left Alone

So while most tourists would tend to wander to ... well tourist spots, I found plenty of other cool things in Europe to capture my attention. Despite many devastating wars, there are tons of great churches. Maybe because of these same wars, these churches are loaded with plenty of marvelous cemeteries.

Now it is totally a geek thing to do, but while in France, not only did I hunt around cemeteries, but I was looking for famous French. I found Charles Fourier's resting place (I have a photo of that as well, but I'm figuring people reading would be more interested in seeing me, so I'm not sharing that one). Anyway, Fourier was a famous French socialist, though at the cemetery he was listed as an economist.

Now, with apologies to the families whom I've accidently caught something of theirs (as well as to those of you with dial-up accounts):

This is me in France in a cemetery. Ironically, it reminds me a hell of a lot of the cemeteries I used to play in when I was a kid in Pennsylvania, with two exceptions. The PA cemeteries were only a couple of hundred years old. This one is considerable older. Second, there were tons of feral grave cats guarding the dead here in France.

Do yourself a favor. In the next two weeks, don't go to a party or even worry about your life. Take an afternoon to walk through a cemetery. We're all going to end up dead, and maybe if you looked at some, you'll not only see how peaceful they are, but some of the annoying things you are now experiencing won't seem as bad. I know when I die, my constant physical pain will be gone, and it will not be a loss.

n.p. voodou :: the blessing of curses


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