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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-05-09 - 7:53 p.m.

Too Late

I drink so much orange juice, tang, and Citrucel each day it is insane. (NOTE: apparently MS Word recognizes Citrucel as a proper noun. It just capitalized it for me. I think I'm a bit scared now.)

When I got home yesterday my brother called just as I was walking in, so naturally I chatted with him. Then I crashed at 8 PM. No computer, no TV, no nothing.

I woke up with some breathing problems (which is normal when I'm sick) at midnight. I was too scared to go back to sleep and face the breathing problems, nightmares, and cold flashes, that I watched an episode of Babylon 5. I just love the DVD boxed set. That is easily the best tv show made, and perfect for getting a sick and tired mind off of feeling its body's hurt.

This morning I woke up after 8 AM, but fortunately I didn't set my alarm. I just called my boss and went back to bed. The day has been spent watching B5, Tomb Raider, and napping.

The thing I miss most about having a girl friend: when you are sick, it is really nice to know there is somebody who will get you some ginger ale or make you a bowl of soup, and then tuck you in bed and watch you while plonking away on the computer. Of course that job description sounds more like I need a mommy, huh?

And there is nothing wrong with that! My home waste basket (which is now 3 times the size of my waste basket at work) is full of tissue paper, and I'm freezing cold. I've decided I need to buy a Mr. Rogers sweater. It might make me look like a dork, but I want a grey sweater with buttons on the front so I can wear it when I'm home sick and in my jammies.


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