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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-05-08 - 10:39 a.m.

Hey Kid, Turn Off that Fucking NOISE

OK, trash can day 1: my tiny one was emptied, and my "colored" trash was also removed. The issue here: "colored" trash is supposed to only be picked up on Tuesdays.

The program is gonna fail. The janitors aren't going to even separate the trash. Not that I don't blame them, as this stupid program tripled the number of trash cans they have: (1) the blue trash can is for "white" trash only, (2) the old beat up multi-colored trash can is for "colored" trash only, and (3) the new 1/4 sized trash can is for organic / metallic waste.

Other news, I've got a sore throat. This means by Friday night I'll have a full force cold. FUCK! I was looking forward to jogging again today, as I always come back and think I can kick in doors with a single THUMP afterwords or wrestle down a room full of punk girls. **snicker**

Noise in the Office

Since I've obviously got a cold brewing, I put post-it notes on my door saying "Flu in incubation". Amazing it is working! There is one thing I really hate, and that is when sick co-workers cough on me. Yeah, like I want your germs.

Anyway, I'm swamped here at work, and people still keep dropping by. Some with more work, others just wanting to talk. Talking I don't mind, but I still need to do so at about a billion miles per hour (this is normal for me, ask me about my San Francisco goth nickname someday).

But last week when people were lining up to come into my office a few of them said, "Does that noise bother you?" I looked at them trying to figure out what they were talking about. My headphones aren't that loud. "The dumpster [contour], does the dumpster bother you?" Oh that!

Outside my window is the buildings trash compactor. Yup, if I ever need to get away, I only need to punch a hole in my window and jump. I'll be able to relive one of my most favorite Star Wars moments.

The compactor constantly is crushing trash. Now that people will be crushing their trash in their offices, perhaps the machine will be working less. But the noise doesn't bother me.

Each time somebody asked me if the trash compactor bothered me, I simple popped in a Converter CD and said, "Well, seeing that I listen to this all day long, I hardly notice that."


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