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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-04-14 - 12:37 p.m.

Lost in Stuff

The secret is out: I collect things. Mostly toys, but I also enjoy games. I'm not one of those "Mint on Card" people. Games, toys, things, they all are meant to be touched. Though the packaging of many things is cool, it is what is inside that counts.

Months ago I joined a web site where you trade cards or little plastic hero figures. It is great to have a place where you can trade your extra Spider-Man figure for the elusive Elektra that you've been hunting for. But what is even better is when you cross-trade. Cross-trading is when you trade cards or figures from one game for cards or figures from another game. Basically this makes it a hell of a lot easier to get what you're looking for, because you can get rid of the things you hate from any game.

Enter SimCity

You've heard of the computer game, but may not know that there was a kick ass card game based on the computer game. The game was LONG. But the more people you had, the more exciting the game was. Years ago, Bane and I bought two entire boxes of the then discontinued game cards at a comic store for $30. It seemed about the right price for a board game, so we just did it.

We loved the game. Even my sister who refuses to play anything other than Monopoly liked the game.

Anyway, the trading web site recently added SimCity to the list of games you could trade. Yay!

The Bad News

When I was visiting my parents this weekend, I couldn't find the cards. Worse yet, I couldn't actually get in my old bedroom. Nothing shocking there, as the room has been so crowded with stuff for years that the bed was lost from sight long ago. But now you can't even walk into the room!

If there is any truth to the saying, "The apple does not fall far from the tree," then I need to start ebaying off my old crap before you can not walk through my apartment. Already I feel like it is too cluttered.

LISTENING TO: Velvet Acid Christ Fun with Knives


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