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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-04-15 - 2:24 p.m.

Noise Show

Today is tax day. While I've finished my Federal taxes, I can't finish my State taxes because the state of California doesn't have the stupid "schedule" I'm required to fill out on-line. Why is the schedule stupid? Because I know that the end result will be a bunch of zeros.

It is annoying that I'm a state employee. I'm going to take a 5% pay cut, even though my position is not on the state general fund, but instead is paid by water users. Right, if you live in Southern California, your water bill is my salary.

So why does the state give me money, and then require me to fill out these stupid additional forms, when it already is tracking my money. I know ... so I don't cheat the state. Brother, I hate governments at times.

But instead of sitting around and focusing all my government hate in my apartment, I went to the Tarmvred / Iszoloscope / Exclipsect show. It possibly is one of the best concerts I've ever been to. All three performers (each is a single guy act) were incredible. And even more shocking was to see nearly everybody dancing. OK, so there were less than 150 people there. Maybe even under 100 people. But the point is the crowd loved them all.

Scene Politics

I used to feel welcomed in San Francisco. Now I have a mixed reaction, and all because I once dated a drama queen. DJs, especially the noise guys, will talk to me. But other people keep their distance. I'm very curious about what sort of stories she told them. Though it is possible that all she said was that I hate her (which is true), and maybe that is enough to make them weary of me.

But when my ex was ahead of line buying some CDs after the show, I couldn't help but notice that her hands were seriously bruised. It is none of my business, but it isn't as if she was dancing hard core. She wasn't. But I did actually feel sorry for her. I just don't like seeing people or animals in pain. And when I dated her, I don't remember her hands looking so beat up. As much pain and grief as she caused me, I honestly don't enjoy the thought of her being in any physical pain. (Though I still would like to think that on some level she thinks of me in a good way ... but that would be asking a lot.)

LISTENING TO: Tarmvred / Iszoloscope Tarmvred and Iszoloscope Do America


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