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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-03-17 - 1:07 p.m.

On the Eve of War

Tonight could potentially be one of the most historically important days of many of our lives. Many people are suggesting that President Bush is going to declare war against Iraq tonight. Personally I doubt that. The United States is certainly not about starting undeclared wars. In fact, the very idea of declaring war against another country died long ago.

I'm not about to recount how things got here. Historians and others better qualified to spend the time doing this sort of thing will. But as a diary, I thought I'd start putting to "paper" the thoughts that run through my mind.

About This War

I was a member of the United Nations Association: United States chapter for several years. Before that I was active both as a participant and later instructor in several different Model United Nations programs in the South. I won a few best delegate awards, based in part on my ability to bullshit and part on my real knowledge and understanding of the United Nations. I actually did believe in the U.N., and still believe parts of it function.

But in 1994 I was part of a student organization that put on a conference about the U.N. We brought in several U.N. Under / Deputy / Assistant Secretary Generals and many former U.N. Ambassadors. I was assigned to escort / host Hungary's former U.N. Security Council representative. The man was a lech. Literally. He was inviting all of the freshman and sophomore women attending the conference up to his hotel room for a "night cap".

I found out that the heads of the U.N. had less of a working knowledge of its history and actual day-to-day organization that I had. And I gathered all of my information from text books and reading actual U.N. treaties. Sadly I found out the hard way that the U.N. is not the organization it appears. On paper it looks nice, but in practice it is a party ground for rich folk. Nothing more.

Though I'm not a fan of the U.N., I support the idea that the inspections and approval for war should go through the U.N. (at least as long as the United States if part of the U.N.). But I also understand the British arguments that a firm timetable should be set, and failing that, that the U.N. should lead the effort. It is strange, but I see both sides. We shouldn't start a war, but at the same time the U.N. has no effective mandate without a timetable.

I don't like the idea of starting war until you've been attacked. I think Saddam is an evil man. And I think he is far worse than our President (whom I didn't vote for). But I still think democracies should not start wars. I'd rather the U.S. and others would have just insisted on a timetable without the threat of war. But who knows what is really going on.

I'm Scared

To be fair, I'm aware that the U.K. is not doing much without U.S. approval. And I still think going to war right now may be a mistake. But on an issue much closer to home, I'm afraid. I would hate to see President Bush declare war tonight, and not be at home. Tonight I'm going to Deathguild's 10th anniversary. Deathguild is one of the longest running goth / industrial clubs in the Bay Area, and it is also one of the nicer ones. In fact, it helps that one of the resident DJs spoils me and makes a point to play most of my requests.

However, if I were a terrorist, I would certainly strike immediately after a declaration of war. Why? The point of terrorism is to (usually) make a point or statement. The statement would be obvious. "Get out!"

But I'm afraid that the Bay Bridge and much of San Francisco would be a target of domestic terrorism. Davis would not. Furthermore, in the event of a crisis, I feel better equipped to deal with any potential problems in Davis. I feel I can be much more useful near my flash lights, work boots, and tools. Not trapped in a city with a bunch of panicking people.


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