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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-02-28 - 3:48 p.m.

Room with a View

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I was down in Monterey, California attending this year's modeling forum meeting. Er, that is computer modeling, not fashion modeling, as I'm no fashion model. Especially after I decided to totally chop my hair off.

The first night I gave a presentation on Practical Salinity, this is basically the ratio of water you've measured to some ideal salinity level. I won't get into the details, other than to say that the talk probably went over most people's heads. Why? Well, salinity really is hard to measure, and involves lots of chemistry. While engineers and biologists are smart people, salinity and estuary stuff also involves lots of oceanography knowledge. I'm no oceanographer, but my master's program included lots of meteorology work and some oceanography. It helps that I actually think chemistry is pretty fun.

Anyway, the talk went fine. But one retired professor asked a question that made me want to pound him. He is this French guy that shows up at any presentation, and when it is time to ask questions, smiles and asks something totally unrelated to the presentations. For mine, a point I thought was crystal clear since not only was it in the title of my presentation, but I also spent the first 3 minutes talking about it totally went over his head. The man just annoys me. *grrrrrh*

After the presentation and drive down there, I just was feeling tired. Although I was tempted to walk along the Pacific Ocean for an hour or two instead of socializing with the other conference attendees, when I found out that I was given one of the best rooms (my room opened up looking out to the ocean), I decided instead to jump into my flannel pants, open the door and listen to the ocean, while reading the latest Side-Line magazine. I fell asleep to the sound of the ocean.

Talk about ideal settings!

Don't worry. I skipped out on a few talks to just walk for an hour and a half down the beach. I might not like swimming in the ocean, but even I can admit to the beauty of Monterey.

LISTENING TO: Tristesse de la Lune Eiskalte Liebe


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