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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-02-13 - 4:10 p.m.


Wednesday was a state holiday, Lincoln's birthday. What a lame holiday, huh? But it still meant a chance for me to check out a week night club, Industry, in San Francisco.

Gawds the scene there is so dead. Redwood and I were about the only two guys dancing. The venue was in a true dive bar. Hell, I watched one dealer walk through and hand his junkies their supply right in front of my eyes. (It is nice to know that the junkies don�t see me as a nark or something.)

The music was good. Feindflug, Infact, and other heavy hitters most of the night. But I never realized how much of an exhibitionist I really am. OK, so I've always held fantasies involving BDSM where I am forced to get naked and have sex with women, but I figured those were just fantasies.

While they are, there is something to be said that I just didn't have my heart into staying at a club that was deserted. It just made me realize how much of an exhibitionist I am. Oh, I dance at home. And sometimes I've gone out and danced in the middle of the night at a local basketball court, just because I could. But I don't like dancing at a club, if there aren't at least other people there hanging out.

LISTENING TO: Absurd Minds Master Builder Single


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