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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-01-09 - 4:37 p.m.

This is Why Punk Girls ROCK

Fate is strange. First, I say I hate my photos, but not only do I get some serious compliments (thank you Raen) here, but walking around the street too. While hoping to find some paper crack (comics), a punk girl looks over at me and says, "Nice coat." Coat is not the c-word. She didn't use the c-word. She didn't lick her lips or purr or any of the stuff that normally makes my skin crawl. She simply said nice coat.

Then she sneaked another one in, "Damn, that coat really looks great on you. Your hair colors match it, it goes great with your skin color, it just fits you perfectly." Again, no mentioning of the c-word, and at the same basically made me feel ... well good.

Serves me right for making a silly generalization. I say something dumb, and then people politely call me out on it.

Oh, so why do punk girls rock? Simple, they usually have both a sense of humour and call it like they see it. They aren't looking for trouble, but most of them are actually wonderful communicators. It isn't hard to guess what somebody is thinking when they straight out tell ya. (Of course it helps that I find most kinda of indy girls attractive as all hell.)

P.S. If I can't find a picture of me in the pea coat, I'll see about getting either Redwood, my brother, or Shell's boyfriend to hunt one down. It is amazing to think that one used piece of clothing can generate so much talk.

LISTENING TO: Forma Tadre Navigator


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