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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-09-20 - 4:25 p.m.


When I was a kid, I wondered if I would ever get to see a UFO. Last night while jogging I most likely didn't see a spacecraft, and even if I did, it probably had humans on it, but I did certainly see an Unidentified Flying Object.

The UFO was an extremely slow moving red light that was too high in the sky to be a helicopter, but too low to be a satellite. It also was too slow moving to be any airplane or satellite. Now I've watched C-130 cargo planes and other US military cargo craft nearly hover over the interstate. There is a US Air Force base, Travis AFB, that is nearby. And it is very common for strange slow moving planes to be seen, especially right before the US begins massive troop movements. But this was nothing I'd seen before.

Before I moved to California, I grew up near Ellington AFB in Houston, Texas. Again, I was very accustomed to seeing A-10s, F-4s, F-16s, and T-16s flying day and night. In fact, I've seen Air Force One land easily half a dozen times. And my favorite aircraft was the giant Guppy plane.

I'm guessing that last night I saw a hot air balloon or some strange weather balloon, but it honestly was very weird to look up in the sky and not recognize something. In fact, I started wondering what a human from 200 years ago would think of our technology today. There is a small part of me that likes to think that I was watching a UFO filled with salmon colored water breathing aliens, but **sigh** Davis, California is probably the boringest place for even Mon Calamari to visit.

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