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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-08-07 - 2:56 p.m.

Tails of the Poopy Cat

Sometimes Howie is a Puppy Cat, other times he is a big Poopy Cat. There really isn�t much of a difference, except that the Poopy Cat both breaks things and leaves behind presents. It is almost as if he expects to be rewarded for being EVIL, except that I know that Howie is only EVIL by accident. Pure and frequent accident.

How does he do it?

Texas calmed down last night and wouldn�t let me read or work on the computer. Any time my nose was within easy reach, she�d bat it with her paw. "Hey you! Pay attention to me."

Howie�s technique is more effective in getting my attention. "What LEGO castle? I didn�t hear anything fall off your mantle? And I certainly have no idea who smashed into your toy train display or who could possibly have eaten your GI Joe figure guns? In fact, I didn�t even know GI Joe figures had tiny plastic guns!"

Actually it is nice that the cats are returning to their destructive selves. It is so funny though, because they both become total angels when other people are around, but between 10 PM and 2 AM they are little monsters bent on making sure I get no sleep.

But the Poopy Cat, who was running laps around my apartment, discovered I have no problems about throwing pillows at noisy roommates. Even four legged roommates who think litter boxes are for decoration. Fortunately I have a ton of pillows.

LISTENING TO: Dismantled Dismantled


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