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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-07-24 - 2:34 p.m.

Open Season on Blood Font

First, I�m looking for an oozing blood dripping font. It is for a t-shirt design I�m thinking about making for myself. Hmmm, I should probably get my ass in gear and scan in my Boo! Ghost, but I have a few at home I want to make images of, then one of them will be printed as a light grey with some bloody font with some ghost poetry (stolen of course):

Roses are Red,
Violets and Blood are Red,
Get Out!

I still need a blood font to do this, but the t-shirt is part of my growing anti-social feeling. I�m just getting sicker and sicker of people. Oh, I�m not really going start using a Death Ray on everybody, but if I where a Hobbit and had the One Ring, I�d wear the damn thing all the time.

Today I watched two stupid women nearly get hit by the light rail, while listening to two others standing next to me act surprised. Less than ten seconds later the two women shocked at the behavior of the first two walked out into the middle of traffic.

My eyes glowed red. Fortunately I was not too blood thirsty, but damn if you are gonna bitch about something, could you try and at least not do the same thing in the same minute? I mean, just wait 30-minutes (like you do before you go for a swim) before making a hypocrite out of yourself. I do, and I�m still alive.

Halloween Is Out!

The arts and crafts stores have already started selling Halloween junk! Yay! I bought a foam ghost door knob thingie, orange and black dripping candles for my spooky candle bottle, and finally I got these great blood dripping skeleton hand print wall clings. The last one even came with "Happy Halloween" scrawled out in blood. YES.

I like the fact that Halloween has three months of shopping, as I�m sure I�ll be getting plenty of odds and ends.

LISTENING TO: Suicide Commando Stored Images


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