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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-06-04 - 10:57 p.m.

Alphabet Music

Perhaps it is because I grew up along the Gulf Coast and I feel this need to order things in alphabetical order, perhaps I'm just as my mom would say, "A natural engineer" and as she'd further explain, "Unhappy unless every little detail has a purpose or function that is clearly laid out and can be reproduced by all," but about a month ago I noticed that I had no CDs from any groups starting with Y.

Yes, I like collecting things. Always have. I've said many times that my animal spirit guides are rodents, and guess what animals are the best at storing things? Squeaky little rats.

Anyway, if I ever become a musician I'm going to name my first project something starting with the letter A. My next side project will start with a B. And it will continue. If my releases are any good, people will remember and ask, "Hey how about that CD Claudette!" But nobody remembers Alicia. (OK, I do, but that is because when Hurricane Alicia hit I got to miss school for a week while the city repaired all the damage � hurricanes in the Gulf have this nasty habit of tearing the air conditioners free from schools.

Thank god for the band Qntal. Alphabet music soup would simply not be possible without them. OK, I should say Industrial/Gothic alphabet music soup.

So a month ago I ordered Yendri's Dangerous Thought sound unheard. I just thought it was funny that a group was named starting with the letter Y. Fuck, did I luck out. This new Spring release fucking kicks ass!

Star Wars survey

OK, if you are even remotely interested in Star Wars, go here to add your info to the Star Wars survey I started!

Why did I do it? Well, surveys can be fun. They also give me insight into what other people see and think about something that is special to me. It is timely as Episode 2 is out right now � go see it now! Finally, I am a bit disappointed by how many of the surveys are about sex, sex, and more sex. That is fine, and I'm not shy about sex. It is a fun thing. But there is life outside that as well, and the first thing that popped into my mind was Star Wars. OK, it helped that Redwood was been terrorizing me for a few days with his new Slime Producing Jabba the Hutt. Yes, the boy has a toy that if you squeeze it, it barfs out slime and plastic frogs (covered in the same slime). He is a weirdo. If his skin was blue and his nose bent like a hook, I'd swear he escaped from a Jim Henson film.

LISTENING TO: Yendri Dangerous Thought


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One Soul