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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-06-07 - 5:29 p.m.

Prelude to Battle

Every year the San Francisco Goths have a Great Goth Naval battle on Stow Lake in the city�s Golden Gate Park. Basically imagine a nasty algae / scum covered 3 ft deep lake with towns a ducks (hence the nickname Duck Soup Lake) with a bunch of Goths paddling along in rented boats and squiring each other with supersoakers and drenching each other with buckets.

For the past two years I battled along with the rest of the cooler kids (there are plenty of people that are walking around with cameras that don�t want to destroy their equipment � that I understand) and a few others that just come out to watch. That is all OK.

It sucks that I�m not good enough yet to do this, but actually paddling one of those boats is a bitch. It is possibly far worse than it would be for me to dance.

Good News

The good news is I have been walking my old jogging route at night. With it being in the upper 90s by day, I enjoy taking a break at night to walk through my neighborhood and imagine what it would be like to own a house.

Yes, someday I want a house. And a dog, not a little one, but large or mid-sized. The problems are homes and dogs both are money sucks. Swoosh I can hear my CD collecting disappearing instantly.

But I think in a week or two I�ll be ready to dance!

Industrial Survey

So I started an industrial survey here to see how other people feel about their music. I notice that there are plenty of people joining the related diary rings, but rings just point to diaries which may or may not talk about music. Some of the best conversations I�ve had are with other music lovers. While there is more to life than music, it is important to me.

LISTENING TO: Love Spirals Downwards Flux


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