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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-06-02 - 9:38 p.m.

Ghost Town

So I've been selling part of my childhood on ebay. Not because I need money, but rather because I need space. Some old model kits that were at my folks got put up (along with an 80s new vest I bought on ebay about two years ago). So far, I only have one guy who may be a dead-beat bidder. Dead-beats are too common on ebay, but since this is more about getting crap out of my house and into the hands of people who actually will do something with it, I don't mind.

While driving to the post office (yes, you read that right, I actually drove in town today) to weigh a package I need to ship to Germany, I stopped off to get groceries. Safeway was deserted. Then I remembered � the Sacramento Kings were playing the LA Lakers. Apparently they lost. Not a big deal to me, since I don't like basketball. I'm sure it is a fun game to play, but it is too fast paced for me to watch. Baseball is the only sport I'm mildly interested in, and that comes form the fact that when I shared a room with my kid brother, the two of us would listen to the Houston Astros on radio nearly every night. I loved it when the Astros were playing on the westcoast. We could stay up until 2 AM listening to the baseball game while talking.


It wasn't that I cared too much about the baseball games either. It was just nice to stay up late into the night talking with somebody. I've since learned that the people I like to hang around with, be them friends, co-workers, or lovers, need to have something there for me to connect too. And certainly it helps if they also enjoy sometimes hanging upside down on a bed at 1 AM and tossing a super bounce ball back and forth while listening to a baseball game and debating the merits of being an Autobot.

Yes, I'm slowly making a PowerMusic mix. I just need to top it off with one or two more songs. It is hard putting together a mix without doubling artists!

To Simplier Times �

LISTENING TO: Absurd Minds Damn the Lie


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