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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-06-01 - 11:23 p.m.

The Digital Experience

So today Redwood, Newave, and I all went to San Francisco to (1) see Attack of the Clones on the nearest digital screen, (2) introduce Newave to Berserkly - a cool town that I like to take everybody to, and (3) to hunt for CDs.

If you have a digital theatre near you, it is so worth seeing Star Wars there! The film is actually different. The battle sequences are a bit longer, with the Jedi doing more. A few minor edits were added back into the film, but the one that is most telling is at the very end, Padme holds Anakin's mechanical arm, while at the three non-digital screens I've seen the film, this did not happen.

The sound from the digital film was amazing! Details like hearing flames crackle in a fireplace or the humming of a Jedi hover ball were so perfect at this theatre it blew my mind! Actually it is possible that since Lucas lives in Marin that he sent his folks to check at the sound experience in San Francisco was near perfect. Well, it was.

OK, so Star Wars is cool! Much fun. One thing I've noticed, many guys are now hot for Padme. She isn't back looking, but � well, in a strange way I see Wesley Crusher when I look at her. Not a perfect match, but she does look a bit like a female Wil Weaton. I'm not saying she isn't attractive, because she is. And I actually love her character � I mean she puts Anakin in his place several times. I just am finding myself more interested in whatever the aliens and Jedi are doing, and think this is a good thing. (Though I am now curious about the goth padwan chick that hides in the background!)

CD Hunts

So I mentioned I love introducing people to Berkeley (especially in summer � that is the best time to experience the campus). In a way I really wish I had gone to school there. It is just such a great mix between a good school, open minded people, and that US East Coast quality that smaller college towns like Davis or College Station both were lacking. We ended up going to two music stores where we all ran to hunt for our favorite CDs. It is nice that the three of us have some overlap, but also like different things. Actually I'm probably the pickiest of the three of us, as unless it is experimental music, gothic, industrial, or techno I'm less likely to get it. I say this even though one of the CDs I bought was Peter Gabriel's Security.

The important thing about today was there was a fair amount of walking, and right now I really don't feel pain. I'm tired as fuck! More than that � I feel like I can sleep for days, but to quote myself, "I am going to be dancing soon, but I'm going to start small by dancing to ethereal and simple techno."

LISTENING TO: Death in June The Corn Years


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