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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-05-20 - 10:13 a.m.

Opening Action Figures

OK, I�m still bouncing about the new Star Wars film. I want to see it again, but I just don�t think my body could handle standing in line. It is amazing, but I�ve never watched as much tv (or DVDs) in my life. A large part of this is due to the fact that just sitting in one place is so much more comfortable. Though there are now and then (ever increasing) moments where I feel fine. I can�t explain it.

Saturday and Sunday I started opening the Star Wars Ep. 2 figures I have been buying over the past month. Yeah, I collect these toys, but to me there is a reason they call them action figures. A doll is something you put on display and never really play with. An action figure needs to move � to do something, and thus you can�t collect action figures if you leave them sealed in their boxes (as nice as they look in the packaging, they were designed to also come out).

So a sore thumb later (yeah, apparently I ripped too many of these toys open using my thumb and somehow got a paper cut of sorts) I now have an army of Jedi! Doh! I said I wouldn�t spoil anything yet � um, first, if you�ve not seen the movie, don�t play with the new toys. There are some �features� that will spoil minor parts of the film. Ouch, damn my thumb hurts. ;)

But what I like most about these new toys is that many of them have magnets in their hands, and the lightsabers are magnetic as well. Basically many of the figures can attract the sabers to their hands. Cool.

I think my favorite of the new toys would be the jumping Obi-wan and Count Dooku figures. Oh well, see the movie. Now!

Office Space Nightmares

It is pretty common for me to have office nightmares. Strangely in most of them I end up working in Pittsburgh, PA. I haven�t been back there in a year and a half, but of all the places on the earth, I think I spend as much time in my dreams there as I do in California. I�m convinced that the reason my sleeping thoughts frequently take me there is I�m comfortable with Pittsburgh (though I would not want to live there again). But when I see western PA, I see the rust of the long dead steel industry. And strangely I like that sight.

When Redwood told me that he is seriously going to apply for a job in Marin, I guess that got pushed deep down, �cause Saturday night my nightmares about work involved them taking him away to work in another building. I would love for him to stay here, but I do understand him wanting to live with Gypsy and though I think he is insane for wanting to live nearer to the coast (did I mention how I hate water), he seems to like the coast. Strange boy that one.

LISTENING TO: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Soundtrack


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