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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-05-05 - 11:02 p.m.

Cat's Own People

Since Redwood is driving Gypsy up to Alaska for the next week, I've suddenly become the caretaker of Gypsy's cat Persephone. Who am I fooling, the minute Persephone came over, she started constantly following around and complaining that I wasn't petting her enough. It matters little to her that I'm allergic to cats (not dogs thankfully), so we've come to this agreement: I must pet her for at least 20 minutes, before running off to watch my hands.

Thankfully she isn't a lap cat like my folk's two cats.

Driving Again

Actually this weekend was a big one for me (busy too). I drove from Davis to my folk's place in Walnut Creek. I even stopped off at a few Walmart's looking for another jock strap. The jock strap is to keep my balls in one place (this hurts less when I'm not jiggling) � think of it like a sports bra (not that I would know what that is like, but they both are sold at sporting goods stores for people to not bounce as much).

It took me two Walmarts and one Target to find the damn jock strap. I wouldn't have thought they were that hard to find. In the process somehow I ended up also getting the Alien 4 DVD boxed set. I love the first film. The second is OK, but I actually dislike action flicks. The third one bugs me. And this weekend was the first time I watched the fourth one. Winona Ryder, I wasn't a big fan before, but know I'm gonna check out some of her other films. The fourth film wasn't anything like the first, but I'd gladly watch it again.

Not only did I survive the drive, but I also saw my kid brother's new apartment (first time to move out for him) and I washed my car. But my folk's cats seemed to think: Contour is here! He probably hasn't seen a cat in ages. Let's sit on him, chase him all over the house, and then make him pet us. Now maybe in cat year's it has been ages, but � argh I thought people were high maintainence!

A Grandmother's Advice

While there, I talked to my grandmother, who is now concerned that by sitting in my folks' spa and talking hot baths, that I'm going to kill my sperm. She (like my folks) wants me to settle down, get married, and breed. Ha. First, right now sex seems like a chore to me. Oh, I am well enough that I could handle say about 20 minutes, but I've never liked quickies nor do I like it when one person works another. Bah, this doesn't matter anyway as there is so not a line out the door of women wanting to fuck me.

But that said, I would love nothing more than to have some woman whom was at the very least a friend with benefits that I could curl up to, watch a few movies and fall asleep with my head on her tummy. I'm not thinking of sex, but I'd love to be a cat right now too! I'd love to be able to meow and paw at somebody just long enough til they pet me so the pain isn't as bad.

When my grandmother said, "See, if you had a good wife right now, she could be helping you through this." She is right. But I do have wonderful friends, and I'll just pretend I'm some scrawnly little gray and white tiger striped cat.

LISTENING TO: the Eurythmics Greatest Hits


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