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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-03-17 - 11:10 p.m.

Slowly Getting Better

Today I did little of anything. I cleaned my sink, packaged a few things, took out the trash, but really I didn't do anything. Except rest, which is something my body is still crying for.

But less loudly. Last night I had some pain, but that was because Stompy and Redwood had visited separately and I was simply worn out. But I also went outside. Out to eat with them.

I don't think I want to drive, so tomorrow Cloud will take me to my ultrasound. I still have a lump, but the pain was significantly less today. Evidenced by the fact that I was cleaning my apartment!

Tomorrow I'll put in more work time, and maybe I can go to work proper by the middle of next week. I'm still concerned about the lump though.

BDSM Break

I've not really done anything BDSM related for some time (trying to avoid my ex and her harem), but Lashes called last night. She was worried about me, and wanted to make sure I had somebody to talk to. And wanted to remind me to by assertive about asking for good health coverage.

Odd thing, she pointed out that she wants kids and is getting out of BDSM. Nothing wrong with that, except that she has told me this twice before. I didn't know what to say, because I'm not interested in having kids any time soon and it goes without say that I'm not letting anybody who doesn't have my "equipment" so much as touch it for a long time to come. The last thing I want is BDSM, my body and mind need a break. I just didn't say anything to her about that.

LISTENING TO: X Marks the Pedwalk Retrospective 88-99


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